-37 "Not Like Us" By Kendrick Lamar is the quite possibly the worst song from the past ten years, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Agreed, but is a list I have no interest in investigating lol

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah you don't like rap in general. What you say after is irrelevant. Bye!

by Acrobatic_Sense 1 month ago

Found the Kanye fan

by aveum 1 month ago

I don't think I hate any celeb more lol (as a person)

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If you don't even like rap why would you be able to spot good rap? Why would you pay to remove a song from Spotify if you don't listen to the artist or genera? You could just you know, just not listen to it. I'm pretty sure Spotify has options for you to click in order to not have a song come up on your list

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Rather hard when it is literally everywhere. I was at a fair and my mom called me and all I could hear was not like us in the background. And this is just a dumb rant and not a genuine issue in my life

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Completely h8 kendrick, total talentless plant. His music isnt super bad, but its extremely overrated.

by Nova04 1 month ago