+44 You're not qualified to use the self-checkout. amirite?

by SignificanceNo8909 1 week ago

You can't become familiar with it if you never use it.

by Internal-Lemon 1 week ago

Then go to a cashier, or ask for help the first time you use it and pay attention to what they show you.

by SignificanceNo8909 1 week ago

You're making N assumption one is available

by Asleep-Version2889 1 week ago

Rare is the grocery store that truly does not have a cashier available. There might be a line, but letting the professional do it will still likely be faster than attempting something you're not familiar with.

by SignificanceNo8909 1 week ago

Ever been to an Amazon grocery store

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Your first mistake was shopping there

by SignificanceNo8909 1 week ago

The joke here is there is no checkouts, or self checkouts at these stores. You walk out and it's charged to your Amazon account.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Oh I know, but it's still a mistake to shop there

by SignificanceNo8909 1 week ago

And pray tell why is that

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Buying barely bearable Bezos bagel bites butchers bantamweight businesses.

by SignificanceNo8909 1 week ago

Cause mom n pops store have all self checkout…

by PrestigiousVisual624 1 week ago

A local grocery store replaced everything with self checkout then replaced them again when after the first weekend of chaos and people giving up and walking out with their unpaid for food they were forced to

by Asleep-Version2889 1 week ago

It's not a rocket ship mate and you're not that important just wait patiently like everyone else.

by Unable-Ad 1 week ago

Make me

by Internal-Lemon 1 week ago

It's literally point and click. People don't need training, you're just judgmental and impatient.

by Werner75 1 week ago

Is it really that complicated? Follow the voice and screen prompts and you'll be just fine. It's defeating the purpose of self checkout if another human is often involved.

by Cassidy66 1 week ago

The purpose of self checkout is to not require employee assistance in checking out, going up to ask a cashier who is busy actually checking people out is counterintuitive. This is the direction that they want to go, so there is no human interaction. One must use it to know how to use it. I would actually prefer that we get rid of the self checkout, I don't work there so why must I do the job of a cashier and check myself out??🤷

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think most functioning adults are fully capable of using shelf checkout

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I find your abundance of faith disturbing.

by SignificanceNo8909 1 week ago

You're not qualified to walk either but we all do it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Mdouglas 1 week ago

The Walmart I go to doesn't have an actual cashier more often than not. I don't like using it either but it's the only option 9 times out of 10.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Been using self-checkout for years now I can do it super fast at this point. Only issue I get is sometimes the weight doesn't match and I've found placing the item on the ground can work or randomly it will just say "please wait for assistance" for no reason at all and I don't have anyway to clear it and start over which would be nice.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I can promise you there's a reason.

by SignificanceNo8909 1 week ago

Not always, I've asked them why it happens the last time it did and the answer was, "because sometimes these things just don't work" They put in a code that clears it and that's that.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No, the machines are sometimes just not good. Do you want us to congratulate you for knowing how to use a self checkout? It can HARDLY be considered a skill that can be learned. Being a cashier is not skilled labor hahahahah

by West_Brick 1 week ago

Dies your mommy know you have her phone?

by SuspiciousPhoto2297 1 week ago

Please don't die mommy

by PresenceEqual8851 1 week ago

Are you against people driving themsleves to the grocery store too? I'd say that's way more complicated. How many other things should people avoid doing? By your logic it would be a lot. God forbid the person overseeing like 12 self checkouts has to move once in a while.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Are you against people driving themsleves to the grocery store too? I'd say that's way more complicated. You're right. I don't trust most people behind the wheel of a two-ton murder machine, either.

by SignificanceNo8909 1 week ago

I would always prefer a cashier, but it's hard to find one since stores don't want to pay them. I already have a job, not looking to work when I go shopping.

by Binsbethel 1 week ago

So what, took me a fee times using it then i was a pro.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well, the POS system on those terminals is specifically designed for the customer to use. And the attendant watching however many of them is there to resolve problems. Plus, more stores are moving away from cashiers as it's cheaper to upkeep 4 self service terminals with one staff member than run multiple terminals with staff. My Lowe's doesn't even have staffed cashier lanes anymore.

by Comfortable_Gene 1 week ago

No one needs a course to use these. They a pretty straightforward. If you can't figure it out on first attempt well go get help, but don't assume everyone will need help..

by Informal_Astronaut92 1 week ago

I have never once had to have an attendant come over to a self checkout machine more than once. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've needed the attendant at all during self checkout, and that's normally when the barcode literally isn't there or is cut off

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"Unless you're already familiar with a given stores self-checkout system". And how do you become familiar with it without using it?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Scan, need bag? Pay. Who wouldn't understand this

by cristjeanette 1 week ago

I just think it's hilarious people will actively pick up the item and hunt for the barcodes. When in reality all you gotta do is swipe it against the scanner, and maybe twist it a little if it doesn't get it the first time

by Commercial-Bid2137 1 week ago

You don't even need to swipe it -- in fact, that can make it harder for the scanner to read the bar code. Just hold it there for a second.

by SignificanceNo8909 1 week ago

You'd be surprised how many people actually hold the barcode AWAY from the scanner

by Commercial-Bid2137 1 week ago

I'm a self-checkout attendant -- I'm not ignorant of that fact.

by SignificanceNo8909 1 week ago

If you are a self-checkout attendant and basically your job is to help people at self check out… If everybody is amazing at self check out… and don't need help… what the f you do?

by PrestigiousVisual624 1 week ago

I'm not asking for perfection; I'm asking for people to pay attention to what they're doing.

by SignificanceNo8909 1 week ago