-25 We transformed our apex predator into our best friend. amirite?

by Old-Bookkeeper5900 1 month ago

I wouldn't go as far as saying wolves were our apex predator…

by Aggressive_Jaguar 1 month ago

The idea of an apex predator of humans is a bit weird, like we are food for basically any carnivore that weighs at least as much as us, as they are armed with speed, strength, claws, and bone crushing bites. There is no single animal that's specifically evolved/designed to mainly hunt humans, but there are a number of animals that are still capable. There could have possibly been some ancient big cat that hunted humans but I think we hunted it back to extinction so that was cool of our ancestors.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

> there are a number of animals that are still capable To kill a human one-on-one in a fair fight, sure. But humans don't fight alone, and don't fight fair. There aren't really animals who could hunt humans without it being a terrible idea.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

In the other hand, mosquitos have been the most successful in the last millennia. If it weren't for fish, bats, birds and spiders there's a solid chance we wouldn't be having this conversation. That's why over-fishing is so detrimental to our ecosystem.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Apex predators doesn't mean a predator that goes after specific prey. It just means predator that nothing else in the ecosystem preys on.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah, technically no ecosystem that humans reach on earth has a non-human apex predator anymore, as all are able to be killed by people.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Chihuahua, is our apex predator who became our best friend? Source?

by Specialist_Gain_9446 1 month ago

Went from being food to friend.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

My man speaks of trains

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Actually, in likelihood it was mutual. Wolves likely began hanging out by humans and more friendly ones were rewarded with more food thus increasing their likelihood of survival. Until they began to be domesticated. We didn't just roll out one day wranglin' wolves

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Wolves were never our apex predator.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

and then turned him into a currency

by Anonymous 1 month ago


by Anonymous 1 month ago

The longest, least successful pump and dump scheme in history.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Doug from college is an apex predator?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Humans domesticated wolves, turning them into dogs

by Anonymous 1 month ago