+40 Punishment should not always be the solution when someone does something wrong, amirite?

by IngenuityInner7288 1 month ago

Depends on the damage and the action

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Can you provide an actual example of someone doing something wrong and punishment is not the way to go?

by CandidWater4546 1 month ago

Not guilty of a crime by reason of a mental defect.

by This-Detective6888 1 month ago

When homeless people steal food.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

To be fair, often times such mitigating factors will be taken into account and you'll be provided resources where appropriate so long as they're not outweighed by any aggravating factors.

by Dangerous_Throat 1 month ago

There are states in America that have arrested people for feeding the homless.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Also "why throw away this perfectly good batch of bread and donuts at the end of the day instead of donating it?" It boggles me that the retort is "You want us to get SUED if they get sick?!" ...Sadly, I think that actually happened.

by Several-Scallion-888 1 month ago

And when I say "we" i assume you're somewhere in the west I guess but you might not be.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Might be different where you live, but in the US, punishment is not the only solution.

by Anonymous 1 month ago