-29 Non-essential services shouldn't expect a 9-5 schedule, amirite?

by Parking-Inflation 1 month ago

The people who work "non-essential" jobs have lives too. Sorry, you're just gonna have to use PTO like everyone else for things like your furnace going out etc. That's what it's there for.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

A lot of people have to "earn" their PTO, so it's less available beginning of the year. And if I want to see a therapist, I need to not only pay for the therapy, but also pay for it with my PTO? I'm not saying they HAVE to, but I've heard so many people say they won't go for a massage, see a therapist etc. because they can't make it work during work hours. I think people are missing out on more business 🤷🏻‍♀️ My RMT who offers services after 5 definitely has more business than the ones who don't.

by Parking-Inflation 1 month ago

OK well you're also missing out on more money when you choose not to work extra hours every day, or by pick up a part time job if overtime isn't offered at your job. Just because it's available doesn't mean you automatically want to do it when it comes at the expense of your free time or sleep.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

For sure, if you don't need the business fair enough. But if you do, doesn't it make sense to align yourself with when your customers will reasonably be available? I had a nail artist who worked independently (not at a salon, she had her own studio) and was always complaining that she didn't have enough business, but she was only available 9-5 😂 Girl I'm not taking PTO to come get my nails done for 2 hours??

by Parking-Inflation 1 month ago

Well yeah if you're talking about people doing their "under the table" side hustles and expecting people to take PTO to come see them that's pretty ridiculous I agree.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No that was her legitimate business, not her under the table side hustle. My point is that some people/businesses just need to be available after regular work hours if they want to reach more customers. Imagine if grocery stores weren't open past 5? In my country one bank started to extend hours after 5 and it became a big distinction between them and other banks, so the other banks started doing it too.

by Parking-Inflation 1 month ago

This is why my dentist is massively popular. He opens at 6 am.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

There are plenty of "non-essential" services available outside of the 9-5 schedule, I don't know where you're looking if you can't find any. Also taking one unpaid day off for an appointment is not the end of the world, is it?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If you want to see a therapist regularly or you had an injury and it helps (but maybe not necessary) to see an RMT regularly it's not sustainable to take PTO! There are folks who are available after hours, but it's limited and they have crazy waitlists…I wonder why!!!

by Parking-Inflation 1 month ago

Other people's lives don't revolve around yours. If you can't find someone that fits with your schedule that's your fault, not everyone else's. I've been seeing a therapist for the past few years and they always work around my schedule, which has changed a few times.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's crazy to say I expect people's lives to revolve around mine when I'm literally talking about a service that I am willing to pay for, not taking up people's time for free.

by Parking-Inflation 1 month ago

You are not entitled to someone's time whether you are willing to pay for it or not. That's still up to them. You are expecting other businesses to revolve around your work schedule rather than finding an option that works for you.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

How is this about entitlement lol the therapists, RMTs etc who work after 5 are definitely busier and more popular than the ones that don't, I'm just talking about what makes sense in terms of having a successful business and reaching more customers. In my country one bank started to extend their hours past 5 and it was so popular that it became the norm and all the other banks do it too now. I wonder why???

by Parking-Inflation 1 month ago

Exactly! My bf works in trades and he has to "earn" his PTO (accumulates throughout the year), and he's paid hourly. Every time he needs to see a doctor, dentist, RMT, therapist, he needs to settle to give up the little PTO he has or not get paid for that time.

by Parking-Inflation 1 month ago

The expectation exists because people are willing to do so. In mass

by Disastrous-Candy3470 1 month ago

Hmmm I wonder why the few therapists or RMTs who do offer services after 5 have massive and crazy wait lists 🤔

by Parking-Inflation 1 month ago

I mean, as you've said, these are non-essential. You don't have to do any of that.

by Geovanniconroy 1 month ago

Non-essential as it's deemed by an employer or as prescribed by employment law, which is obviously limited.

by Parking-Inflation 1 month ago

Couldn't your problems be easily solved if YOU didn't work a 9am-5pm?

by RoughAd4840 1 month ago

Yeah let me switch careers real quick 🤣

by Parking-Inflation 1 month ago