-28 Welfare and public assistance, amirite?

by Puzzleheaded_Walk 6 days ago

You do realize most of the people who are in welfare have jobs. Those jobs don't actually pay enough or provide insurance to live. Also you can only be on welfare for 5 years. You're also talking about an average of $243 a month. Maybe address the actual problem instead of the symptoms?

by rudolph90 6 days ago

That is true in some cases. I used to have neighbors that collected welfare, food stamps, disibility. He was able to work he just didn't want to. While another neighbor worked two full time jobs to make it. If you're working and need welfare you need better skills. I support job training. There are billions with a b in welfare fraud every year.

by Puzzleheaded_Walk 6 days ago

You're looking in the wrong direction. Corporate welfare is the biggest issue but nothing will be done because the system is working as intended. Don't fall for the rhetoric that is intended to keep you blind.

by tremblayjerrell 6 days ago

what if you are mentally unhealthy?

by Anonymous 6 days ago

Depends on the situation. I know people that have mental disabilities that work. It just can't be used as an excuse. We all know the system is abused.

by Puzzleheaded_Walk 6 days ago

I'd say it's a popular opinion, but a majority of the population is on the dole

by Demarcusdaniel 6 days ago

All able bodied people are not able to work. Sometimes there are mental issues as well. I can't imagine being upset about welfare and public assistance as a whole. There are people in the system who take advantage, but I'm not worried about those people. I'm worried about scaling it back and keeping it from the people who do need it. I personally know people who abuse the system. But I'm mad at those people. I'm not making assumptions about everyone else nor deciding that everyone else should miss out because "I know a person."

by Crafty-Activity8207 6 days ago

I agree. Welfare has a 30 to 40% overhead. That means a gigantic proportion goes to government and ngo staff

by alysson84 6 days ago

who decides what able bodied means?

by CalligrapherMotor 6 days ago

A physician.

by Barrettmurazik 6 days ago

Are you unable to walk, speak , read, move? I am pretty sure the point is clear. If there is work that one can do regardless if they like that job or not work or don't eat.

by Puzzleheaded_Walk 6 days ago

We were promised in the 1960s that the creation of the welfare state would end violence and criminality. I'm at the point where I believe citizens shouldn't be allowed to apply for state assistance if they have a criminal record. Something needs to be done about the massive expense caused by our jails and penitentiaries.

by Anonymous 6 days ago

So what you're saying is that once you've been in jail there's zero reason not to just keep being a detriment to society?

by TipMuted 6 days ago

With technology advancement the bulk of work at some point in the future be completely done by nonhumans. What will you do then? I think the opposite, more wealthy people should be paying higher taxes to cover the cost for the people left without jobs.

by Beneficial_Bug_8731 6 days ago

Fix the machines.

by Barrettmurazik 6 days ago

Why is that?

by Puzzleheaded_Walk 6 days ago