-39 College is dogmatic, amirite?

by Anonymous 6 days ago

Absolutely agree, nothing wrong with college imo as long as u know exactly that u need this for ur career, otherwise ur just going to go, and I think more than people realize, a lot of kids do that, many that I know

by Anonymous 6 days ago

Very tru, no problem with not knowing what to do, u truly shouldn't have to know at such an early age, but some are forced right into it unfortunately

by Anonymous 6 days ago

You can say that "there's a lot of people ik that are in college rn that are second guessing it all," but for every person that feels this way, there are 100 that are very happy with their choice. The same individuals will have a very different opinion AFTER they graduate.

by Anonymous 6 days ago

No doubt, it's a situation of to each is own, I just feel not everyone needs to go, and shouldn't feel like they have to

by Anonymous 6 days ago

I don't think everyone needs to go, but that is very widely accepted now. You will not be ostracized if you do not attend college, but most people will strongly recommend it, because it can offer more opportunities. There is no point in saying which path is better, but I guarantee there are far more people that regret not going to college compared to the one regretting receiving a higher education and having a Bachelor's Degree.

by Anonymous 6 days ago

I absolutely agree

by Anonymous 6 days ago