+28 If me texting you in the middle of the night annoys you that's on you for not having a silent function, amirite?

by jerod45 5 days ago

"Bleeding out. Plz help when you wake up Xoxo"

by Anonymous 5 days ago

"you up? Been stabbed, lol. Sorry if I woke you, can you send some money so I can get an uber"

by Some_Smoke7426 5 days ago

More like "had a stroke"

by wilfrednikolaus 5 days ago


by Anonymous 5 days ago

Learned that lesson when my mom called in the middle of the night to ask me about Harry Potter. I remember debating on answering and figuring it was an emergency. Nah, she was just drunk.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

You'd better be having a baby to text at that time. And then it'd better be my baby.

by ottoschuster 5 days ago

Why wouldn't someone call if it's an emergency? Texting is an asynchronous form of communication. ie: it doesn't require two active participants at the time of the message being sent.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Sadly people are moving towards the idea that texting is the same priority as talking in person

by Brendonjohns 5 days ago

If you call someone twice when they're on DND it will ring the second time unless they have that turned off too. I have it set so anyone in my favorites can call and it'll go through. Plenty of ways to set it up so you don't get disturbed and are still reachable in case of emergency.

by FigureInteresting 5 days ago

"Setting is hard to find" I'm sorry but like, Google it? Figure it out? Set your phone how you need it to work for you.

by FigureInteresting 5 days ago

Well if someone has on the Do Not Disturb function and you try to text/call them, you will get a notification saying the person you're trying to reach is on Do Not Disturb, would you like to notify them anyway? So in an emergency if I needed to call someone, I could bypass the DND function and their phone would still ring

by No_Map_4473 5 days ago

What phone is that?

by Anonymous 5 days ago


by CoatFar 5 days ago

Ah. Never had an android that let others know my settings

by Anonymous 5 days ago

I shut that function off.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

I know reading is hard, but he said texting, not calls. You can mute notifications and allow just calls for emergencies.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

I use do not disturb. Everything is muted except normal phone calls. It's not that complicated.

by Sanfordfunk 5 days ago

Calls are for emergencies. I mute all notifications between 9pm and 7am. I whitelist a select few people for calls (I ask myself: if this person had called me instead of 999, would I go help?), but I'm not ducking around with my phone when it's bed time unless it's urgent

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Yeah, not many things are scarier than your phone ringing past midnight

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Is there a way to silence most texts and calls unless marked as urgent somehow? I have mine silenced and a few individuals as bypassing that but really need a way to be able to priority select messages/calls.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

You can mark some contacts as emergency contacts and they will ring through, I believe

by Anonymous 5 days ago

On Android at least, you can select certain contacts who can bypass your Do Not Disturb. I don't know about iPhone.

by camryndeckow 5 days ago

You can set it that if a number calls repeatedly it will override among other settings

by jerod45 5 days ago

Just set text as silent and not calls?

by Important-Oil 5 days ago

Just leave me tf alone when I'm sleeping?

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Yeah calling is a way different story. If you call super late it's either an emergency or you're the jerk

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Yeah? Texting is nothing like that, I never called in the middle of the night unless it was my partner and an emergency

by Important-Oil 5 days ago

Since you know that people will likely be annoyed by receiving a text in the middle of the night, it might be considerate to avoid texting them at that time.

by Academic-East-9028 5 days ago

No no no OP.is a VIP so if they want to text they gotta text it's everyone else's fault, OP is Great in their mind can't do anything wrong it's everyone elses fault. I doubt OP has any friends and wonders why

by Imcdermott 5 days ago

No they just don't have a job

by Keirahomenick 5 days ago

Lmfao. This has gotta be it.

by Hoppeedgar 5 days ago

And the people who say emergency contacts can bypass dnd are missing the point. You have to set those ahead of time and most people only have parents, siblings, spouses, and MAYBE a neighbor. When I get texts at 2am I expect them to be important.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Yeah, most people have family members, significant others and friends in their contacts. Maybe a few co-workers for emergency reasons. The sort-of people who should know better than to call or text at 2:30am unless it was an emergency. You shouldn't need to set your phone to DND to expect to sleep without someone you know annoying you. If people are earnestly trying to argue that it's your fault for not turning on DND, they're genuinely idiots who probably shouldn't have phone access.

by Anonymous 5 days ago


by Anonymous 5 days ago

That, or they're someone like me, who always greatly prefers to text instead of call, and also treats it like a voicemail system, one that somebody can read at their own leisure. And also is liable to forget to message them entirely in the litany of various tasks throughout the next day. I get texted at all hours of the day and night from various billing services, friends, co-workers, Etc sometimes. The idea that my phone will wake me up in the middle of the night to let me know that I received a single text message is just absurd. I can barely even use a ringtone these days with all the spam calls, why would I let my phone wake me up for something stupid like a text? Why would somebody text me in an emergency instead of calling multiple times and/or leaving a voicemail? Op is making perfect sense for them, and how they personally use their phone. Just kind of projecting it on to how everyone else would use theirs.

by Yoshiko55 5 days ago

thats the point though. your being ass backwards leaving your phone off DND at night when your tryna sleep take the 5 minutes to set it up properly. then WOW its done. so hard!

by SignatureNew4885 5 days ago

I'm an avid do not disturb user because I'm a very light sleeper. But one of my friends will not use do not disturb because her bro passed away a few years ago and if her parents ever tried to call her in the night for any reason and she didn't pick up they would start freaking out and assuming the worst.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

If you call twice it bypasses dnd

by Predovichailie 5 days ago

God can you imagine being in any sort of relationship with someone like this? It makes me wonder what sort of home life OP grew up in. I could never imagine thinking it's acceptable to text anyone outside of business hours. Plus, I work? I have responsibilities? Who tf sort of person has a life that they're up all the time texting people at 2 am???

by Anonymous 5 days ago

A CALL, not a text, if someone has an emergency they call

by Important-Oil 5 days ago

What if the person you're trying to contact is deaf? Lotta good a phonecall is gonna do when they can't hear it...

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Then how the hell would they hear the sound notification?

by Important-Oil 5 days ago

How the hell are they going to hear the phonecall? Best bet is text. It's actually one of the recommended ways to contact someone who is hard-of-hearing in an emergency. The vibration will (hopefully) wake them up and they'll actually be able to see the message and know what's happening.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

lol do you not have late night friends? Half my homies are in their 30s and still gaming that late most nights LOL

by SignatureNew4885 5 days ago

Yes I do. And they're also smart enough to not text me when they know I'm asleep.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

As a night owl that is currently off work for 4 months a year (2.5 remaining) I wish people would text me at 230am lol. Reality is that people have to work, don't text someone who has to work the next morning at 230am... or past 11pm...

by Fayarturo 5 days ago

Why are you texting at 2:30?

by Savings-Star 5 days ago

Who wants a krabby patty at 3 in the morning?

by Anonymous 5 days ago

cuz what else are you gonna do? wait until the next day? ill forget by then now or never.

by SignatureNew4885 5 days ago

If you forget it by the next day then obviously it wasn't important enough to be said in the first place. 🤷‍♂️

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Coz ill forget if I leave it but also I don't personally adhere to the taboo

by jerod45 5 days ago

So leave it as a draft and send it in the morning. Phones can do that too.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Dude learn how to schedule sending a text at a specific time…. Are you a boomer?!

by lynchjosiane 5 days ago

So it's everyone else's problem and coz you forget it's not yours 🤷‍♂️

by russelestrella 5 days ago

If someone texts me at that time, I'm probably not going to hear it, but it if I did and got pissed off for getting woken up for nonsense, that wouldn't be my fault, it'd be yours for not being respectful. No one wants to have conversations that late unless they are working the graveyard shift as a security guard

by Anonymous 5 days ago

That is ur prerogative but the future is unavoidable nd this is the way of it

by jerod45 5 days ago

Wait ... what? Ignoring the fact that your sentence is poorly structured ... How is the "unavoidable way of the future" texting people late at night/early early in the morning? We're diurnal creatures. We're always going to be productive in the daytime and society will do most of its work in those hours.

by Hoppeedgar 5 days ago

If me blasting loud music at 2 AM annoys you that's on you for not soundproofing your house

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Nope. It's on you for being an impatient and inconsiderate.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

There is only one group of people that this is true for, and as you said, it's kids. Adults who have people that they care about remain reachable in case of emergency.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

I mean plenty of people are up to that time, I wouldn't call if middle of the night

by Brendonjohns 5 days ago

I have my ringer on in case my brother calls me, needing help because his car broke down half way on his way back from another city. I'm not going to turn it off, and screw over someone I actually care about because you don't understand that some people don't stay up that late. You just need to learn when the people you talk to sleep better.

by ruthe74 5 days ago

You know you can set your phone to only allow alerts from specific contacts like your family members right

by Anonymous 5 days ago

I don't sleep with my phone on silent, I'm always afraid somebody's gonna have an emergency

by PopEducational8916 5 days ago

Lmao I just let go if I'm texted at that time. I also text at that time tho so it's not abnormal for me and my friends to be texting when the other doesn't respond at night😂😂

by Anonymous 5 days ago

The only time anyone is allowed to text me at that hour is if there is an emergency or someone ended up in the er.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Well that's just redundant, ain't it?

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Damn chill, it's a damn text, y'all got sound notifications for those?

by Important-Oil 5 days ago

I'm with you on this one, but I also keep my phone on silent 24/7, so I'd never hear it and be awoken regardless.

by richmond23 5 days ago

BuT wHaT iF sOmEoNe hAs aN eMeRgEnCy?!?!!!!! That's what people have said to me when I tell them I have my phone on silent 24/7. If there's an emergency I'll see it when I get to my phone. I was born in the 80s and do you know the number of times someone has called me in an emergency? 0. Plus I'm sure everyone I know has someone higher on their list they'd call in case of an emergency. And if it was my parents or my brother, they live across the country so I doubt there'd be anything I could do that couldn't wait until I checked my phone.

by Emmanuelle21 5 days ago

Why are you ignoring the easy solution of setting your "work call" contact to always ring even when other notifications are silenced? Takes 30 seconds to set up and you get to live your life the way you want, without angrily shaking your fist at anyone who dares send you a non-emergency text after hours The technology exists and takes zero effort to actually use, no excuses old man

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Why is it so hard to just allow your on-call work contact or the school phone number to ring even when the phone is on do not disturb? It takes like 30 seconds to set up if you have the slightest bit of tech literacy

by Anonymous 5 days ago

I also have friends. I'd like to get texts from them at all hours when they are in dire need of something. I'd say the list of people I'd want texts from is like 20 people. If one of those 20 people also texts me at 2am to ask if I saw the game or that they are having fun at the bar or whatever, I'll tell them they are an asshole as well. It's not hard to have a little courtesy for people. That seems to elude OP, however.

by Individual_Let_6434 5 days ago

Nope, that is all on the one doing the texting.

by Anonymous 5 days ago


by Zealousideal-Oil9127 5 days ago

Ignorance is bliss.

by russelestrella 5 days ago

Personally I don't bring my phone into my bedroom, I have a charger in the living room it spends the night on. But I don't think its fair to expect everyone to silence their phone every night and turn it up every day. I've missed calls because I turned my phone down for a movie days before and just forgot.

by clemensdaniel 5 days ago

If you're texting me at 2 in the morning it better be god damn important.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

But if someone you care about specifically asks you not to do it then don't.

by durward96 4 days ago

way ahead of you, I don't even remember what my ringtone sounds like

by Independent-Frame 4 days ago

Thank you!

by Anonymous 4 days ago

I think anyone that doesn't use vibrate is a weirdo. Text away, I won't hear it.

by Suspicious-Ruin2705 4 days ago

If I knock on your door at 2:30am, it's your fault for not having earplugs in.

by According-Fox977 4 days ago

"My actions are your responsibility." Ok.

by AdImaginary 4 days ago

Fortunately, you don't get to decide stuff for other people.

by Swimming_Parsley 4 days ago

Not only is there do not disturb but you can usually allow certain contacts to override do not disturb. So any friends who text me late, it doesn't disturb me. But I allow my wife, my parents, my brother, my sister-in-law and my wife's mother and brother to override do not disturb.

by Janajones 4 days ago

No, you're just an inconsiderate jackass. Maybe I need my phone to set an alarm for the morning. Maybe I like to have white noise from an app or YouTube while I sleep and I can't put it on silent for that reason. Maybe I'm a parent, my kids go to school across the country and I keep my phone on in case of emergencies. 2:30 am is well past what are considered "normal" waking hours. 10:30? 11? Sure, most people are still up, but 2:30 am is not ok. Technology designed to mitigate people being assholes doesn't suddenly give you the right to constantly be an asshole. A really good question to determine if you're being the prick: "do people have to take extra, unnecessary steps in their lives to mitigate my actions" If yes, then you're the prick.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

Why are you texting people at that time, regardless?

by Anonymous 4 days ago

Do not disturb on every day 22:00 - 07:30 Last seen and all other functions like that turned off on whatsapp and other platforms All group chat notifications permanently off, no exceptions Phone sounds off always Email notifications turned off on phone always If you have something urgent or want to just catch up you can call me and i will pick up, but if you text me i will get back to you when its convenient for me. I don't owe an answer to anyone at anytime and i extend the same courtesy to anyone else too. I actually agree with OP, people need to be masters of their phone not the slaves.

by jermaine13 4 days ago

Most people don't put their phone on silent in case there's an emergency. You can wait a few hours and send your text at an hour where most people are awake. It's completely on you if your text wakes someone up.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

If you can't remember to send your text the next morning it wasn't that important. Also you need to touch grass.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

I have my phone on DND 24/7. I love it, only contacts get through and I don't get alerted to any texts. Who wakes up from a text being sent? Their phone must not be on vibrate at the very least.

by Crafty_Wheel 4 days ago

So if someone has an emergency and calls from another number or it's the police calling you to make you aware of one you'll miss it.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

That's correct. If the police need my attention after hours they can knock on my door. I can't think of a single time, or really imagine one, where one of my emergency contacts wouldn't have access to either their own number to reach me or another person. It's OK to decide that you're "offline."

by Fun_Conversation 4 days ago

If you're someone's emergency contact you'd get a call from the hospital, not their personal number

by Anonymous 4 days ago

How does that solve the issue where someone from your emergency list texts you at 2:30 to tell you about the video game they want you to play? Just because someone is in your emergency list doesnt mean that everytime they contact you its an emergency.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

Babe we don't text people like this that we're not related to and that's based on sole emergent situations. Business hours is best practice

by Anonymous 4 days ago

He's right. If you want to be overly cautious, set your phone so that calls from your wife or kid or whatever can get through the Do Not Disturb. And as for why you're texting people at 2:30 am, some of us live across multiple time zones.

by Potential-Internet23 4 days ago

this is true, the people here are only disagreeing with you because they're a bunch of millenials

by Valuable-Nebula 4 days ago

Millennial here and I agree with OP.

by Emmanuelle21 4 days ago

People disagreeing seem to not understand how to use DND, don't have friends/family outside their timezone, and don't stay up late at all. So yeah, sounds like all millennials or boomers

by Anonymous 4 days ago

We need better DnD filters or level. I want some people to be able to through to me at that point, but not others. I suppose if it's an emergency they'd call, so I can leave that on, but I'd like more customizability.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

You already can do that on virtually every cell phone.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

I have not figured out how to let notifications for chats from some people on Snapchat come through, but not others. I can do all Snapchat notification, but not based on recipient. I think I can do that for SMS, but most people message me on Snap.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

this. but users are idiots. doubt most know nor use it. I have for like 10 years 9pm to 8am DND is on.

by SignatureNew4885 4 days ago

Low IQ

by Anonymous 4 days ago

No, for what ever reason I my phone requires my ringer on for my 4:50am alarm to go off. So no.

by amiejacobi 4 days ago

I usually know my friends' schedules and am very respectful of hours to text and call. Most of my friends so have FB, so I can check messenger to see if they have been online recently, which makes that easier. I do believe it is also on the person texting to be respectful of when they are texting. The only reason I text anyone late is if there IS an emergency and I need to talk to someone. I have gotten very mad at friends for calling or texting in the middle of the night "just to talk" because i make myself available in case something happens, but being woken up for nothing throws my whole next day off for no reason.

by Cwisozk 4 days ago

Most boomers are asleep at 2:30 am. 🤣

by Anonymous 4 days ago

Texting is an asynchronous form of communication (The sender and recipient don't have to be available at the same time. Messages can be sent and read at different times.) while calling is a synchronous form of communication. If you treat texting like a synchronous communication, that puts the onus on you. A text should be treated like other asynchronous forms such as emails and letters through the mail. It's a read-at-your-convenience medium of conversation.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

I always keep my phone on silent because the notifications annoy the hell out of me

by Anonymous 4 days ago

I used to finish work at 1am. I would never dream of messaging people not my my schedule at that time unless it was an emergency. Unfortunately as you get older (I'm 30s) family members and friends start having health issues that may require you to be contacted in the early hours so it's not ideal to have your phone on silent. I wouldn't expect someone to send me non emergency messages at that time though.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

i texted my dad one time really late, after 2am assuming his phone would be on silent and he'd see it in the morning. he told me he leaves his phone with the volume way up in case the retirement home has to contact him in relation to his mum (my grandma). so he got woken up by me thinking grandma had died, but it was just me with some stupid text message. you don't always know what other people are doing or have going on in their life. if you just assume they are doing the same things as you, you need to grow up. you are not the centre of the universe. or as my dad would say, "the earth doesn't revolve around your backside".

by Repulsive_Group_9629 4 days ago

I have my phone on loud in case someone needs me in an emergency not so people can send me stupid messages, of course if you have no responsibility then I get putting your phone on silent but for those that do it's not an option.

by Virtual-Reply 4 days ago

No, that's on you. In a world where landlines are essentially extinct, people leave their notifications on at night in case of an emergency. You texting at 2:00am is an ignorant thing to do. If you feel the need to write the text at that moment because you don't want to forget you can write it, but don't send until the morning. Or use the delayed send function that pretty much all text apps have.

by Huelkavon 4 days ago

Jokes on them, I don't even hear my text alert when I am up and in the same room as my phone. I could sleep right next to it going off and not hear it at all.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

Well unless you have no kids or family or close friends, then putting do not disturb is not ideal unless you're just not someone to rely on. Twice in my life I've had to make a call in the middle of the night. When you put do not disturb on, it mutes EVERYTHING, including calls.

by leannondelpha 4 days ago

I don't get notifications for texts after 11pm. All calls will get through. I haven't gotten a phone call after 11pm that wasn't an emergency in ~15 years, so this system has been flawless.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

I've got a setting on my phone where after 10pm all messages, calls, and other notifications are muted, except from a select few: My parents, my husband and my best friend. Not sure why others don't have this setting turned on if they have an iPhone!

by Anonymous 4 days ago

People keep their phones off of do not disturb in case of emergency . If you text people for random stuff when they're likely to be asleep, you're just rude.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

My phones on silent 24/7 so you'd get ignored anyway but yea this is definitely an unpopular one bc leave ppl the hell alone in the middle of the night unless it's an emergency

by Vegetable-Draw 4 days ago

Text ringers in general should be quiet or quick enough to not rouse someone from sleep. I have mine set as such, though I should also add that I sleep with music playing.

by Important-Leg-7778 4 days ago

But emergencies! 😒 DND is able to be set up to allow exceptions. Our daughter can always get through. Otherwise DND is on 24/7. But she is literally the only person I would hear from in an emergency anyway. All other calls to us are spam so we would be sending them straight to vm, DND or not. Text me whenever, but don't expect a reply until I'm ready

by Adahklein 4 days ago

I have my phone set to only allow my kids and wife to notify me over night. So yeah, it's good. Just be ready for me to call you back around 4am.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

Totally agree. Do not disturb allows emergency calls either from a list or if someone calls twice in a row. You're responsible for how you want your phone set up! If you choose to have it on super loud at night that's on you.

by FigureInteresting 4 days ago

Do you guys not know how to use your phones? You can turn on do not disturb and still allow phone calls and texts from people that you would want to be able to reach you at those times...

by Anonymous 4 days ago

This is strictly an iPhone issue. Android can set future delivery times for messages. I no longer have this problem.

by Economy-Job 4 days ago

iPhone can do that too.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

Yeah we all hate you

by Anonymous 4 days ago

I guess OP doesn't care that a family member died if it is not a convenient time for them. Hope they don't have children at any point.

by PirateSuitable733 4 days ago

As long as you're also cool receiving then at 6 am then its all good.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

Lol I'm that asshole on the other end. I get a text at 9pm which is totally reasonable but I'm already asleep, and I reply out of habit when I see it,but unfortunately that's 4 30 am. Woops

by Keirahomenick 4 days ago

I am cool because I can use do not disturb to not be disturbed

by jerod45 4 days ago

Always have my phone on for emergencies.

by Fantastic_Edge7487 4 days ago