+48 I don't think Bianca Censori's naked Grammy outfit was inappropriate for the venue, and people are completely overreacting. amirite?

by Grantclarabelle 1 week ago

It's just another call for attention from Kanye. People really need to ignore him.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's funny because neither of them were invited.

by PhoneProud 1 week ago

i dont think this is true, i find it very hard to believe that a literal nominee wasnt welcome?

by Purple-Fudge-3471 1 week ago

I'm just relaying what was reported.

by PhoneProud 1 week ago

lol I didn't know that, how did they get in?

by kreigeraniyah 1 week ago

They literally just showed up, walked past the press etc. I don't even think they got into the venue proper.

by PhoneProud 1 week ago

Was he there? I didn't notice.

by Bauchkaden 1 week ago

I really don't want to see anyone's bit parts on display. If she were obese, you'd probably have a different view of our "completely backwards and messed up sense of morality."

by Casimir89 1 week ago

Change the channel?

by Bauchkaden 1 week ago

the show wasn't rated 18+. there were probably children watching it. it WAS inappropriate.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

In France the TV show CSI has the same age rating as the movie 50 Shades of Gray. In Europe we consider violence more of a risk than nudity.

by tyriquemcdermot 1 week ago

So what?

by Bauchkaden 1 week ago

Found Kanye's burner account.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Op doesn't know the difference between provocarive and naked

by TurnSilent7078 1 week ago

I'm not even sure it qualifies as an outfit, a clear trash bag would have been more concealing. Seems like an open and shut case of public indecency but they're "artists" so they get away with it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Maybe you're cool with naked people exposing themselves in places kids could see but most people aren't. It's a law.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't get that last part. Are you saying that western values are poor because we publicize violence or because we don't approve of televizing naked women?

by HonestAd 1 week ago

US values. Germany, for example, is pretty much flipped with regards to violence and nudity.

by clifford55 1 week ago

Being naked in public is against the law though... Should it be? I'm not sure. But it is. Therefore, yeah, pretty inappropriate.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Not exactly true. Basically only illegal if it's due for sexual gratification.

by Bauchkaden 1 week ago

dude we saw her vagina lips. It's inappropriate and smacks of abuse when you factor in the speech and body language between the two of them.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't really care about the morality of it, it was just desperate attention seeking. Pathetic, really.

by PhoneProud 1 week ago

Oh my god. You mean to tell me celebrities are attention seeking on the Grammy's red carpet?

by No-Pomegranate5463 1 week ago

Well, come on. It was an obvious stunt. And I wasn't aware that Censori actually counts as a celebrity.

by PhoneProud 1 week ago

They weren't even invited to the event and were asked to leave immediately after. It was pretty embarrassing.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The point of the outfits is to be talked about. She did exactly that.

by Brilliant_Push 1 week ago

The issue isn't what Bianca was wearing. If a celebrity had come out like cardi b for example, alone and confident, and thrown off her coat for a "naked dress", no one would care. Rihanna did it a few years ago and everyone loved it. The issue is you see a clearly scared and upset looking Bianca, being controlled and humiliated in public by Kanye. Bianca's friends and family have spoken out saying they're scared for her, she's lost her personality and seems held hostage. If offset had come out with cardi b and forced her to strip naked in front of everyone, we would all be concerned the same as we are for bianca. what we witnessed was a man abusing his partner Iive. It was scary and sad to watch. The issue Isn't Bianca's outfit, it was Kanye forcing her to strip naked for his own sick amusement.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Omg thank you. It's not the outfit, in so much as it's the controlling nature

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Whether or not it was appropriate for the venue, the fact remains that Kanye was in control. And I'm not comfortable watching any man making his wife walk around essentially naked.

by ruthfeeney 1 week ago

Are movie ratings established democratically? I don't think they necessarily represent the morale framework of every American. Instead I think they are just guidelines that some parents can reference when deciding what movie to show their kids.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

She's just the type of person who needs attention like regular people need oxygen. If this actually offended you, the absolute worst thing you could do to her would be to not talk about it. Deny her the reaction she wanted.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

A bunch of attention seeking narcissists who live in lala land all getting together and celebrating how great they all are. I think she fit in just fine.

by winifred60 1 week ago

What's better that many people conflate nudity with pornography.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If people consider it normal to wear a cardboard house on their head, I think every outfit is normal. Now, her last name is the hilariously inappropriate part of this whole charade.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

GaGa's raw meat dress has entered the chat

by kossthea 1 week ago