+36 The gap between science fiction and science is getting thinner by the day. amirite?

by Powerful_Page 1 week ago

Wouldn't that mean we are getting less and less creative with our fiction? Science is just running its course, it's the dreaming ahead part that's falling behind.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't think we're any less creative, it's just that we've gotten a lot more strict about things that are and aren't scientifically plausible. If you want to write a make believe story about alien princesses on Mars these days, it's because you're deliberately choosing to ignore all the science that says it shouldn't exist and so it's not exactly "sci fi" anymore.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That might well be true, but I see it differently. Most sci-fi writers seem to limit themselves to real science or things deemed possible according to current scientific theories.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think that's because if they write a really creative book and it happens to not follow the guideline of "fictional but grounded in what we know of scientific theory" it's less likely that the book will be classified under "sci-fi". It's a self selecting genre made up of writers who enjoy working at the very edges of scientific plausibility. If the author ever decides they don't want to be limited by science, the resulting book will just be a different genre.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Fantasy enters the chat

by Fit-Vacation7678 1 week ago

I think that's fair. But doesn't that mean we, as a society, have become less accepting of creative dreams? I don't know if it's the right word to describe it, but everything seems "mechanical" these days, even things like sci-fi which should defy everyday things.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"The gap between The Onion and politics is getting thinner by the day."

by Mhodkiewicz 1 week ago

Far more rapidly then I'd like.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm sorry. You must be mistaking me for someone who gives a

by Mhodkiewicz 1 week ago

Now I'm just confused what the original reply was trying to accomplish

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You could also say the gap between science fiction and realistic fiction is getting thinner by the day.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think this is the more accurate assessment

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Innovation in science often draws inspiration from fiction. Maybe that's why they say imagination is the first step to reality

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nah, science fiction is getting wild day by day

by Anonymous 1 week ago

True! I mean some people even want us to have a God Emperor now.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm finishing a near future speculative book about ASI and I feel I need to hurry the hell up because it'll be outdated by the time I publish.

by akeemhomenick 1 week ago

And yet still we ask what CAN we do? rather than what SHOULD we do? And thus the human condition continues it decline into mediocrity, stagnation and death.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This didn't used to concern me...until I saw the direction that AI technology is going.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

the metal gear solid games are a good example for me. there are mentions of AI, electronic cigarettes, etc. I know one of the games used the term "meme" before it had become a super common phrase. when playing those games near their release I was like, "okay Kojima... sure... you're just saying weird futuristic stuff for the sake of being weird and futuristic. and yeah, that stuff will be happening in 2050, but it's all irrelevant at the moment." fast forward a decade and it's all far more relevant than I could have expected.

by Nicolasamaya 1 week ago

Yea, we move closer to 1984 with everything the government has been doing in the last 3 weeks. I want to be moving toward Arthur c Clark, not Orwell please.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Literally heading towards a Cyberpunk 2077 reality where megacorp CEOs run the world

by qadams 1 week ago

Clarke's Third Law

by Anonymous 1 week ago

So true, I can't help but feeling more and more like we are living in a simulation

by Proof-Buffalo5250 1 week ago