+26 cars should not be this big, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They're made big to circumvent efficiency standards.

by Various_Path3313 1 week ago

And safety regulations.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

yes! i couldn't remember exactly what the standard was in the moment lol. i blanked but thank you for this answer!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Trucks are 1000 times safer than cars. What are you smoking?

by Jennie79 1 week ago

Not for pedestrians. You can't even see someone 5' tall in front of most of these things. They should honestly require a special endorsement to drive on the roads like motorcyclists do.

by Bryonsporer 1 week ago

Everytime I see one I hear that guy from Waterboy repeating "Needle dick! Needle dick!"

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

The big truck was great for farm stuff. We'd use if multiple times a week for hauling wood, hay, pulling pipe trailers, getting other people unstuck. But the big truck rarely saw the highway, because those things guzzle gas.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

that's what i'm saying! like good if you're doing labor stuff with your trucks very often i can understand that but like we live in a city bro and you do go to the outdoors like that why do you need that fat ass vehicle???

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Agreed. Unless you actually use something that big for towing or farm work or something like that, they're pointless. I need a truck for work but those behemoths are ridiculous. My Tacoma manages just fine (and even it is, quite frankly, bigger than I need but there's not a lot of options for small trucks these days).

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah don't think that's an unpopular opinion except for the people who are buying them. I call them "air-haulers" because that's usually what they are loaded with. I wish we could get the Toyota Hilux here, but it's the damn Chicken Tax that will never go away. That's a major reason we don't have smaller trucks in the US.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

My dad has one of those big pavement Princess rams. It barely fits in its lane to drive, is too big for most parking spaces, and I, at 5'9", am not tall enough to effectively wash the hood and windshield. It's ridiculous.

by Impressive-Sky-7185 1 week ago

i'm saying like i'm 5'6 why is the hood as tall if not taller than i am?? pls be so serious

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by eleanorefeest 1 week ago

i agree. also for your consideration. Not just Bikes Yotube

by Anonymous 1 week ago

From where I live, anyone who does horses, hunting, watersports, or outdoors sport (motorcross/ATV) that needs big equipment needs them.

by Ngraham 1 week ago

They're big because people buy them and that's what they want It's literally that simple People saying specifically because of emissions or safety, if people didn't buy them they wouldn't make them.

by Personal_Sir_755 1 week ago

The Maverick is the size the Ranger ised to be, the Ranger is the size the F150 used to be, and the F150 I'm pretty sure is just a phallic stand-in at this point.

by CattleAdditional5277 1 week ago

Can confirm. I have an F150 and, as a cis lady, I have no penis (I do have things that I need the truck for, namely towing/hauling boat/bikes/sleds).

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Smaller cars/trucks won't pass emission the way it's written currently.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They pass emissions just fine, its CAFE that has the loophole, which is not emissions.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Emissions are emissions, CAFE is fuel efficacy. They are separate things. Bigger footprint cars are allowed to have higher emission and they are allowed to have lower fuel efficiencies.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Emissions is emissions and cafe is cafe, correct, but bigger cars have to pass the same emissions regulations smaller cars do.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Despite producing way less emissions.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

How does that work exactly? I've always heard that, but never understood. Wouldn't a smaller vehicle produce less emission causing smaller vehicles to be more environmentally friendly?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This is because of emissions being applied to a class of vehicles. Smaller the vehicle, tighter the emissions standard. A secondary reason for why cars are so big now though is also safety standards. To be able to fit all the crumple zones and airbags and still have a comfortable roomy cabin takes up a lot of space.

by SureEar6636 1 week ago

What he said was wrong, its not emissions its Corperate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE). Manufacturers have an average MPG target for their total fleet of vehicles, but trucks are exempt from the target because they are classified as work vehicles. The target keeps getting raised to the point its unrealistic, so they are simply making less (or no) smaller cars and more trucks.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Essentially the more square footage the car is the higher the amount of emissions the car can produce. So a small car with the same engine as a big truck would be against CAFE standards but the truck would be fine since it has a larger footprint. There is also some brand overall standards which help companies sell like the corvette and offset it with like the volt.

by WestBoysenberry759 1 week ago

Larger cars are allowed to have more emission. So when the EPA cracked down on emission, manufacture simply started making more big cars instead of trying to make smaller cars more efficient.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I agree people should have to prove specific need if you want to buy anything bigger than an F150.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And even that's too large. Most people would do fine with a 1996 Toyota Tacoma.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They aren't making 1996 Tacomas anymore because the government said they weren't fuel efficient enough. People would love to buy a true shortbed single cab half ton, but they don't exist. Want to be mad at someone? Be mad at the government for regulating the small truck market out of existence.

by qmcclure 1 week ago

I am

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's the most popular truck so I figured there's too much pushback against that, but the 250s and 350s are just goddamn outrageous

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Hey! Their dualie hauls a dog in the bed while they drive through Taco Bell for the third time this week.

by Watsicaduane 1 week ago

Bill of rights, not bill of needs (/s)

by Anonymous 1 week ago

In terms of safety, economy and ecology, this is a fact, not an opinion.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

jesus christ. i didn't even think of the city infrastructure changing because of this but that makes sense.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You can hide almost an entire class of kindergarteners in the front blind spot of the Cadillac Escalade because of how high the hood is lol

by Winifred12 1 week ago

Worst part being about a good 70% if not more are purely owned by mongs who want to use them as bullies on the road

by Dolores53 1 week ago

adding it to the watch list rn!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Basically it boils down to this. Emission standards are based off the vehicle footprint. And it's not proportional. If the vehicle is smaller then it needs to be drastically more efficient. Also something not mentioned is safety standards. Some small vehicles would be harder to make meet side impact standards.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I need a truck for work and sometimes tow a trailer behind it. There is no way I am going to try to left furniture over my head to put it in the back of the truck. My normal height truck is fine, thank you. I can eveb reach over the walls of the bed to grab things without a ladder.

by Aggravating_Net 1 week ago

Especially since the majority of people that buy these big ass trucks don't even need them. That's very evident by the fact that I see more trucks on the road with those fake nut sacks on them than I do trucks with trailer hitch balls on them.

by rolando75 1 week ago

thank you for the article!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The issue is that fuel efficiency laws arent as strict on larger vehicles, so its easier for car companies to meet regulations with bigger vehicles

by BasketPositive4435 1 week ago

Semi trucks are far worse.

by brandy91 1 week ago

How else can men with small dicks compensate?

by kearabahringer 1 week ago

oh nah lmaooooo

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Thats not unpopular. Thats common sense.

by Ttowne 1 week ago

Common sense ≠ popular unfortunately

by Glad_Geologist 1 week ago

Except everyone keeps buying vehicles that are 3 times bigger than they need

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Because that's all they offer

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Statistics on American car ownership beg to differ

by fcollier 1 week ago

Because why should you tell someone what they can or cannot buy?

by Jennie79 1 week ago