
Post Of The Day

+30 Born a girl? Then you are a girl? Born a boy? Same, amirite?

by Rich_Explanation_804 13 hours ago

+9 Characters who get kidnapped in children's cartoons are always adults, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+11 Everyone's ancestors at some point was in a sword fight. Yet we are all afraid to talk to the opposite sex.. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+11 Your idea of how you're going to die changes drastically as you age, amirite?

by Dry-Bid 1 hour ago

-8 You're a bad driver sometimes. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+20 A 1-Star rating is significantly worse than a 0-Star rating. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+23 Mel Gibson is an outstanding actor, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

+14 The average human has 2 legs but humans on average has ~1.99 legs, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

-5 "Big battles" are often the worst parts of movies. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

+27 Constant fourth-wall breaks in media arn't clever or funny, they're just annoying, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

+22 Being in your 20s has went from "the best years of your life" to the absolute worst. amirite?

by Academic-Policy 3 hours ago