
Post Of The Day

+30 Born a girl? Then you are a girl? Born a boy? Same, amirite?

by Rich_Explanation_804 17 hours ago

+1 Most people in Greek life are lying about why they joined, and it would be much less annoying if they just admitted it. amirite?

by jaydaschuster 1 second ago

+1 Being anti-establishment is not automatically good, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 seconds ago

+2 No matter how many times you shake it, you still get pee on your underwear, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 seconds ago

+15 Cast-iron skillets suck, amirite?

by New-Boysenberry 1 hour ago

-13 I don't mind Youtube ads, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+10 Water is better than all other beverages. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+6 It is bad to demean even evil people in cruel ways, amirite?

by ricematilda 1 hour ago

+12 Being a househusband was the easiest job I've ever had, amirite?

by Hot_Violinist 2 hours ago

+10 School keeps saying everything is bad and its going to get worse. amirite?

by Curious_Natural 2 hours ago


by No_Sell 2 hours ago