
Post Of The Day

+39 People over 6ft are very lucky they made the average door taller than the average human, amirite?

by Western_Resist7409 21 hours ago

+2 Using memes in office settings (e.g. presentations) is cringe, lazy and unfunny. amirite?

by Stunning_Honeydew 20 seconds ago

+7 Your parents have an apple. If you buy another apple and your parents buy another apple, you'll have half as many apples as your parents, but the same amount as they did before, amirite?

by Fuzzy-Artichoke1083 20 seconds ago

+6 There's nothing fun about going to the beach, amirite?

by Anonymous 21 seconds ago

+7 you will only be able to live less than 0.1% of what life has to offer, amirite?

by Anonymous 22 seconds ago

+13 Doctors who refuse to check hormone levels over time for a patient are committing medical malpractice, amirite?

by Any-Carob-6467 45 minutes ago

+8 At a certain point in puberty caprisuns start not hitting the same anymore, amirite?

by Even-Cress 45 minutes ago

+2 I hate helping people, amirite?

by PatientBee8061 56 minutes ago

+11 Sandals will never go out of human usage, amirite?

by Anonymous 56 minutes ago

+19 All AI art is in fact made by humans, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

+8 Cordial which is too strong is undrinkable. Cordial which is too weak is mildly annoying. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 hours ago