
Post Of The Day

+54 Japan isn't some holy land internet hypes up to be, amirite?

by Content_Actuator_340 1 day ago

+7 People being annoyed by cyber trucks has become more insufferable than cyber trucks themselves. amirite?

by Anonymous 17 minutes ago

+8 People who have sex with men one week and women the next are bi-weekly. amirite?

by Anonymous 17 minutes ago

-3 There is a point in degradation where photos of dead bodies isn't really seen as repulsive or morbid. amirite?

by Anonymous 17 minutes ago

+7 Too many people teach their children what to think, and not how to think. amirite?

by Firm-Patience 17 minutes ago

+4 Hollywood has destroyed people self esteem with unrealistic body standards but AI will make Hollywood look like caring Grandma. amirite?

by veronica42 1 hour ago

+3 You should and do have to work to earn a potential/current romantic partner's love. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+11 I disagree with the "looks don't matter" concept, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+11 Deep-Frying Food sucks, amirite?

by ethelyndibbert 1 hour ago

+19 Corporations treat countries the same way employees treat employers. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

-14 William Shatner is the male Betty White. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 hours ago