+545 Now a days, every time you ask a girl for a picture, people automatically think your sexting, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Nowadays, everyone thinks that everything teenagers do is underage drinking, underage smoking, porn, sex, drugs, and other things like sexting. Most people I know, don't. Well.. except for swearing, that ones true. It is ridiculous how people think nowadays. Just because I am on the internet, doesn't mean its porn. I might actually just be going to my friends house, not sneaking to my boyfriends. No, I am not buying drugs mom, I am going to Pick N' Save for brownie batter. No, I am not asking for nude pictures, I am asking for a caller ID picture. Honestly.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Haha grammarnazi saw that too;)

by Anonymous 13 years ago