+708 You've wondered if history classes are taught differently in each country just to make their country look better (Ex: how would the American Revolutionary War be taught in Britain), amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Any British person... how DO they teach the Revolutionary War??!??

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Nope they don't bother:)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

that... is amazing. LOL!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, how would they teach it if they did? "Well we had all these North American colonies, and they weren't paying their taxes that we put in place to pay for a war they started with the natives (not that we were enforcing them all that much, they were really far away). Then when we sent over all this cheap high quality tea (that would put the smuggling rings out of business) our local governors (who ran the smuggling rings) decided they could make way more money if they cut us out of the picture. So then they started this revolution, with loads of propaganda against us. Well we said 'fuck that' and sent over some of our military and a whole bunch of mercenaries (because for some reason we didn't feel this required the full might of the British Navy & Army). In a surprising turn no one expected, they kicked our ass. In retrospect we should have taken them seriously. If we had it would still be ours." Not a very good story really.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I wonder what they think of Benedict Arnold?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

have you ever thought about the fact that history education does not have anything to do with 'making your country look better'? it is rather a conservation of facts to educate a nation and learn from the past. any good history teacher will stick to the facts and be neutral.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

a history class that tries to make your contry look better would be called propaganda

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm British, and American Revolution is pretty much taught how it was. Although there is emphasis on the involvement of the French, but no one really takes that aspect seriously, I mean how can you make it seem like actually, the British won, when quite clearly we didn't.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You guys don't think that American history classes are biased and structured in a certain way to make us look better? If you would like examples, I will gladly give them to you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Will you? I'm quite curious, as I am prone to believe whatever my teachers tell me.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

We weren't even taught American history in school (I'm not sure who Benedict Arnold is, but I'm guessing he's a dick). Anyway, education is meant to be factual so it shouldn't be biased whatsoever.

by Anonymous 10 years ago