+467 Having a bar with a parking lot is like making an elementary school a prison for pedophiles: you're just asking for the law to get broken, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You have to get to the bar somehow don't you! And most bars will let you park your car in the lot overnight so you can take a taxi home, or *gasp* PEOPLE WILL BRING A FRIEND WITH THEM WHO IS THE DESIGNATED DRIVER OMG DID YOU EVER THINK OF THAT? yea think for a minute OP before posting something stupid.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wobbuffet doesn't say that everyone who drinks drives. He's stating that someone is bound to do it, though. Hence the, "you're just asking for the law to get broken", part.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually he's making a generalized statement that all those who go to bars will end up drinking and driving, thus breaking the law. Generalizing usually means more than just a few people who may drink while driving.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(D:)D): I don't think he means everyone will drink and drive. With the "you're just asking for the law to get broken"... It's like someone, say, repeatedly crossing a busy street; it's like they're just asking to get hit by a car. But it's not like they'd get hit by a car every time they crossed the street, and same for the bar situation; it's not likely that everyone is going to drink and drive.

by Anonymous 13 years ago