+218 People shouldn't feel offended if I were to mention them a topic in public regarding from their facebook status, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Am I stupid or does this not make any sense?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think they mean like if someone's Facebook status was "I lost my phone" and then when you saw them in real life and asked, "Did you find your phone yet?", they shouldn't be offended. (I don't see why they'd be offended in the first place though, if that's what you meant by it not making sense) And I just realised that this post is worded very confusingly... I guess I just skipped the unnecessary words in my mind, or something. So yeah, in that regard then it definitely makes no sense. xD

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, the wording of it is what didn't make sense to me. Also, I think "creeped out" would be a better word choice than "offended."

by Anonymous 12 years ago