+268 It's pretty pitiful when you see a Harry Potter fan laughing at somebody who is obsessed with Twilight and then they go home and pretend they're a wizard, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

FALSE!!! Wizards > Vampire. Wizards are actually cool and don't sparkle. Harry Potter has actual meaning and is the effing best!!! And Harry Potter fans are obsessed with the AWESOMENESS of HP and don't obsess over how hot the actors who play the characters are. Sorry to burst your bubble but you are COMPLETELY WRONG!!!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You say that like you believe vampires are supposed to sparkle.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think it is unicorns that sparkle smile

by Anonymous 8 years ago

@213753 (StarKidPotter122): So true. Vampires are so not meant to sparkle. They're supposed to burn in the sun.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Also, it's your opinion that you think Harry Potter is awesome, some people think Twilight is awesome.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And then there are others who think both are pretty lame

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Okay you totally just proved my point

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Harry Potter has also been over for awhile. And pretending that you're a wizard is sad under pretty much any circumstances. I love HP too, but it's time to move on. There's more to life.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Harry Potter is not OVER! how could you possibly say that?!? the 7th movie hasn't even come out yet.... a great book like that could never be over geez... TEHRE IS NOTHING MORE TO LIFE!!! ok, that was a little over the top, but seriously, you must have some screws loose :p

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not everybody likes Harry Potter.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We dont all fucking pretend we're wizards, moron. Some of us are female, so we're witches <3

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're both pathetic.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Proving my point ^

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i love harry potter but don't knock someone for being obsessed with a different book just because you don't like it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

thank you! i happen to like twilight so shut the f*** up to all of these posts. its called an opinion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Can I just point something out? Neither wizards nor vampires exist.....

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hahah nice. And people are voting your comments down... It's just the truth lol.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@Colette Your my hero haha :D @LavLave_Loves_WonWon I like your username :D But i used to like Twilight when it was virtually unknown. It got way to big way to fast, its alright but not nearly as good as its made out to be. Its not time to move on, Harry Potter never gets old and Im not going to stop liking something because its "out of style"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I can relate to that. XD I think I started reading Twilight right after Eclipse came out, but I never became one of those creepy fangirls. I'm still going to see the movies for entertainment, but I just may wear a Team Cedric T-shirt, who knows?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yeah i like harry potter and twilight (but everyone can agree twilight is really cliche). and i'll go to the midnight premiere of both. im not obsessed with them but im not gonna be mean to anyone who is as long as you don't fantasize about it/believe its real. then i will look at you funny.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

p.s. love your user name, too

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's kind of sad when teenagers argue over wizards and vampires... We're going to be known as the generation obsessed with fantasy characters.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There is a happy medium you know. I do make fun of twitards because they are ridiculous. But I'm not stupid enough to think either are real. I love jk rowling and the harry potter world. The books are actually good and well written versus a fangirl stay at home mom who obviously isn't happy with her life and had to make up some fantasy relationship. Its quite obvious SHE is bella and Edward is her mr right. Idk I've read both series and it is my opinion harry potter is better. But I am not obsessed with either one

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

HUNGER GAMES!!!!!!!!!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I pretend I'm having sex with Harry every night :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Harry Potter is not over to the anonymous person who said that. The last two movies haven't even come out yet. I don't pretend I'm a wizard, I'm just actually intellegent and have a good taste in literature.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

My vagina itches

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Who gives a damn about the shitty movies? The Harry Potter series is OVER. Those movies are and insult to the original books.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@typer2131 haha Im not going at midnight to Eclipse, but I will see it and wear my Dumbledores Army shirt :D @Love&hope Theres nothing wrong with fictional fantasy characters, its better then real life :D I honestly know Harry Potter is not real but I don't see why its wrong to dress up in robes, play quidditch, or have a duel, its just for fun and a totally awesome way to spend your time :D I am an emo teenage girl, and I hate Twilight, that should say something to you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@starkidpotter122: you're right. Imagination is better than real life! Hahaha(: but all I'm saying is it's fine to have an opinion because I likethe twilight books but I coud never get into the Harry potter series but I dont think the Harry potter people are stupid. Shouldn't we just stop fighting with each other and fight with the people who hate the fantasy series? It makes more sense to meeee haha

by Anonymous 13 years ago

HP is just better than Twilight on so many levels, but the main thing for me is that the underlying message of the HP books is MUCH more valuable and meaningful than anything I ever read in Twilight.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And btw, I attempted to read the Twlight books, and if Meyer just stopped at the first one, I would have written it off as a mildly entertaining but mediocre read, and that would have been that. After struggling through the second book, I couldn't take anymore after the second chapter of the third, it was just pure mind-fuck at that point. As for HP, I never got bored during any of the entries, including Order (which was actually one of my favorites because the characters became deeper in that one).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@214371: I really like the twilight series and was hooked when I read the first page. Harry Potter I tried to read a few times but never got into it until I finally read the first one and I never read the rest of the series because I didn't care for it so it's pretty much just personal preference.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(love&hope): I read Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. I read it, trying not to point out everything I hated until I finished the series. Personally, I think Meyer rushed a bit when writing it. There were too many loose ends, some things weren't described well enough, while other scenes had unnecessary descriptions. Rowling spent years planning it, and actually looked up wand lore, and inserted hidden meanings, gave each character a name for a certain reason, and made sure all [or most] loose ends were tied. There was foreshadowing in the first book that related to the 7th, and it was just, wow. It seemed as though Meyer just wrote and wrote without planning [and according to what I read on her website, that's exactly what she did] There has to be some planning involved...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I've gotten through 6 of the Harry Potter books (I can never get ahold of the last one) by comparison, after a paragraph of Twilight, I was tossing it aside in favor of my standard vampire books where the mythology makes some effing sense. And noone misuses vocabulary words. I feel bad for the state of the language because of that series. People will completely misconstrue words all the time, if they've taken it seriously. and y'know what? you wanna bash on cosplay, I dare you to go to an anime convention, or ComicCon and say that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why is twilight called twilight?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I am a huge HP fan, I mock Twilight fans [only the super obsessed], and then I go home and be a regular teen. Not all HP fans pretend to be wizards/witches, but my friends and I were HP characters for Halloween.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

i love harry potter and not all the fans go around being crazy obsessed people. i love it, i re read the books and watch the movies as they come out, but its not like we are all walking around all dressed as wizards or some crap like that

by Anonymous 13 years ago

and again I say it's sad we're all fighting about it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's better than going home and pretending you are a vampire.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's also better than going home and pretending your a wizard.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

@Katffro EXCELLENT EXCELLENT POINT!!!!!!!! Harry Potter has meaning and an AMAZING plot line and the story really connects and its not at all predictable and really amazing writing and foreshadowing techniques. I have gone through all my books and highlighted and made notes of really mind blowing things JK Rowling did in the series. Im not one of those stupid people who mock something they have never even attempted to read (like most Twilight fans do with Harry Potter) I have read ALL the Twilight books and they're ok, but the movies and the fans made me hate it with a fiery passion! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I honestly don't get the Twilight obsession! Maybe its just those lacking brain cells

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@215464: I take all AP classes, have a 3.8 GPA, and am studying to be a doctor. I like the twilight series but not the harry potter series, so just because of that that makes me "lack brain cells"? The people who lack brain cells are the ones who make stupid assumptions and judge before they know someone.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I have a friend who read Twilight before anyone had ever even heard of it, and the majority of the girls in our grade laughed at her for reading a book about vampires and called her a weirdo because she read vampire books. Now those same girls are completely obsessed with it after it became a big to do. My point: Twilight has so many fans right now because being a fan is the "in" and "cool" thing at the present time.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think its sad when someone stop likeing something because it got to popular, like it matters how popular something is you should like it anyways. And I'm so tired of people talking about how obsessed some people are towards twilight, it's old and we know how some girls are to that kind of stuff. LET IT GO! but I do like harry potter the movies even though i think there book is somewhat of boring and i like twilight saga the book because honestly the movie kind of suck.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Harry Potter is a retarded downie... And so are his groupies.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@Love&hope Im not judging or making assumptions about you in particular. Notice how I used the words maybe and some, and not all or every? Im not calling you dumb.Tell me why Twilight is so great, I've told you my reasons for Harry Potter.Only those who like it and can't defend it lack brain cells. I go to a Medical Charter High School that is very difficult to get into and stay in. I'm studying to be an Orthopedic Surgeon and I'm in the process of getting my EMT and I am 16. I'm also a level 10 gymnast and I'm very busy and still manage to keep up, and you were the one telling me I lacked braincells before you knew me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

sure they all are pretty silly

by Anonymous 8 years ago