+576 You can believe in both god and evolution, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Who voted no way ? You guys realize that Darwin believed in God?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Darwin rejected the Christian faith. The rumor is that Darwin repented on his deathbed... There's no basis in that. No proof or evidence for it. And besides, even if he did, he died a Christian, but he was never Christian beforehand (many people are afraid of what will happen after death so I can understand why he would do so). But this is besides the point. It's not whether or not Darwin was an evolutionist Christian, the point is whether or not God and evolution can mix. Which they can't. Evolution contradicts intelligent design.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Quotes by Darwin: "Whilst on board the Beagle I was quite orthodox, and I remember being heartily laughed at by several of the officers (though themselves orthodox) for quoting the Bible as an unanswerable authority on some point of morality." "... Another source of conviction in the existance [sic] of God ... follows from the extreme difficulty or rather impossibility of conceiving this immense and wonderful universe, including man with his capability of looking far backwards and far into futurity, as the result of blind chance or necessity. When thus reflecting I feel compelled to look at a first cause having an intelligent mind in some degree analogous to that of man; and I deserve to be called a theist. This conclusion was strong in my mind about the time, as far I can remember, when I wrote the Origin of species; and it is since that time that it has very gradually with many fluctuations become weaker."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

umm ok i believe you.In school in religion class they said that's a fact that Darwin was religious so i thought it was true.Guess not.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh, goodness, do NOT listen to religious classes or your church. They will tell you such bullshit if it's not in the Bible. Only listen to what they say that is IN THE BIBLE, otherwise look up everything else they spout out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I wonder whats so weird about that :I

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If u believe in God,u r officially against the revouloution!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(u r WRONG!!): not intirerly true there are intire religions devoted the that most of the christian

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You don't have to follow the bible to believe that there is a higher being though.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Christians believe in three ways the world and life developed. Developmental, spiritual and atheistic. Actually we don't beleive in atheistic because it jeans the world developed randomly. But developmental means God guided evolution- which explains evolution

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Please do not say things like "christians believe" as if your thoughts as a christian are the same as all christian's beliefs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yay for developmental Christians! :D

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"Religion" doesn't automatically condone evolution unless you're a purist or extremist who believes in Intelligent Design. I believe Christianity however does contradict evolution because the system is unjust and unbiased, the creation of such a system by a benevolent God is impossible.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I used to believe that God caused evolution to happen... But not anymore, I'm an atheist now :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Someone please answer one thing for me. If the universe was created in six days, how long were the first three? The sun was not created until the fourth day, so there could have been millions of years in between.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

wait what?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Mindfuck! (I'm going to say this from the Christian point of view. Don't bitch at me.) Okay, the sun provides light for the Earth, not heaven. So when it says the universe was made in six days, maybe that was days in heaven. That's what I think. Then again, maybe heaven's days last millions of years. Either way, that was a really good point.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

some believe evolution and god can co exist that the seven days for god was millions of years for us. so evolution was the process of him creating the world and that in fact the 7th day is now since he is resting and nothing is being created

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If you are one of those fucktards who interpret the bible literally, then no, you can't have it both ways.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually you still can if your belief is that God designed evolution.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The existance of god doesn't mean the rejection of evolution, and vice versa. I believe in evolution. I also believe in god. I am also rational about my beliefs. Scienctific theory has given good evidence in evolution, so I believe in it. My faith in the existance of a higher power drives my belief in (for lack of a better term) 'God'. The two are not mutually exclusive.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd also like to add that in no place in the post do they mention the bible or religion of any kind. Just god and evolution. People are making too many presumptions that aren't there.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Proof evidence nomnomnom gimmie more proof and evidence nomnomnomnomnom... Yummmmmmm

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Proof of evolution? There is plenty of fossils that have been found that support the theory of evolution such as: australoputhecus anamensis, australopithicus afarensis, australopithecus africanus, homo erectus, homo habilis, homo ergaster, homo heidelbergensis, and homo neanderthalensis. There are more but I can't list them all.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It would be easy to just say that God created the world through evolution; however, that doesn't fit in too well with Adam and Eve.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That does make sense. Maybe the way God (again, going from the developmental Christian point of view) guided evolution where he tried one species, then wiped it out because it sucked. And he did that until he finally created Adam and Eve and they were good. Til Eve was a dumb bitch and gave up her morals for an apple offered by a snake.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The only way you can be a Christian and believe in Evolution is if you interpret the Bible not as historical context- but as metaphors and moral lessons. That's probably what should be done anyways.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You cant believe in evolution if you believe that God made the world. And yes, you should believe everything the bible says if you are a christian because you shouldnt doubt God at all. God wouldn't create animals and human beings and thn havee cavemen and and monkeys running around that develop into humans. it just doesnt fit.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Haha.. this is not what evolution is.. that is the "Theory of Evolution" that men came from monkeys.... evolution is a scientific fact.. that things evolve over time... we see it and can prove it... like how certain types of butterflies changed colors after the industrial revolution in order to camouflage themselves better... please do not try and crash and burn something you don't understand.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

if you're gonna adopt such a condescending tone at least have a good understanding of science. Evolution is a theory, but a scientific theory- what you can have is a hypothesis, law, or theory. A hypthesus is an educated guess, something that does not have enough evidence to be proven. A law is something that always happens, like gravity or conservation of matter. A theory is a hypothesis with ample evidence that is believed to be true. So all of evolution is not a theory, its not as if evolution is a fact and the descent of man is a theory. That is not how it works. I do believe in god and evolution. I am passionate about both, it is entirely possible

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yeah, er wait, no, but.... maybe, I DON'T KNOW!

by Anonymous 13 years ago