+949 It's crazy that if the sun were just 1% smaller or bigger than it is now, the earth would be unsuitable for life, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

not true

by Anonymous 13 years ago

come at me bro

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's also crazy that the sun loses 4 billion tons of mass every second, and it's as insignificant as us losing skin cells during the day. That's a lot of shit to be losing, and how it doesn't affect anything is pretty freaking cool IMO. Just kind of a "holy shit, it really *is* big" haha

by Anonymous 13 years ago

1% smaller would be nice

by Anonymous 13 years ago

really... 0.o

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Which is why evolution couldn't exist; because scientists have proven that the sun is shrinking, and at the rate that it is shrinking, billions/millions of years ago when life was evolving, the sun would be so large that it would be unsuitable for life.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

CapitainOblivious would be a better name for you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So how did all of this life come to be? How did humans turn from short and hunchbacked to taller and straight-spined? Have you heard of the Galapagos Island finches? Creationism just isn't plausible according to all of the fossils scientists have examined. Oh, and if we were further away when the sun was bigger, we would be at about the same temperature. If a fire is really hot and you're a few feet from it you can still feel it. As the fire shrinks a bit, and you're closer, you can feel it the same as you did before it shrank. Does that make sense?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Genes. Did humans evolve from blonde hair to brown hair to black hair? Or from black skin to brown skin to white skin? No! Their genes change when they mate and produce offspring! There is no "evolution", only creatures adapting to their conditions.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Genes change. You said it yourself. Some genes help people better. Thousands of years ago, giraffes had short necks. But trees were growing taller due to genetics. One giraffe, maybe a few, had a longer neck. They could reach the food on the trees. Short giraffes couldn't, so that gene died out. The long-necked giraffe[s] mated and lived on, and small mutations for longer necks appeared over the next thousands of years. There are natural variations in all living things. Some adaptions prove to be useful, others aren't. But that's evolution. The better-adapted organism survives and passes on that trait. That's evolution. Small mutations. So you somewhat agreed with the theory of evolution by that post. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Where is your proof that they had short necks? Where are the fossils with them in it? And i do not agree with the Theory of Evolution. I agree that genes mutate when people or animals mate, but a bacterial substance can not evolve into a fish, which evolves into a frog, which evolves to a rabbit, which evolves into an ape, which evolves into a human. It is not possible.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes. There are fossils and skeletons and the works. And something like what you mentioned would take MILLIONS, maybe even billions of years. The small mutations/genetic variations that occur would take years to actually show. The Galapagos finches didn't just get different beaks over night. It's a slow, gradual process. If I had my Earth Science Reference Tables on me, I could tell you what organisms lived when. It took billions of years for bacteria to turn into something more.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How do we know that they are giraffes and not some other animal that went extinct? And fyi, the dating systems that those scientists use to tell how old a fossil or something is are extremely inaccurate. They are off so much on their calculations. I'm done with this argument. We both believe opposite theories, and it is obvious that we will not be able to change each others beliefs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Everyone ignore captain dumbass over there, we don't need another debate about something that's been proven to be true. And btw this post is false. A 1% change may or may normals it unsuitable for human life (I still think we'd be able to live with that) but simpler life such as bacteria would certainly be able to survive.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I believe in evolution, but it's still only a theory. There is a multitude of supporting evidence, but it's still not officially true. Then again, gravity is also a theory...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

* may or may not make it I'm typing on an iPod touch

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hey evolution guys, How did it all start? just wondering. what kicked the whole thing off?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You'd rather put your faith in an invisible man in the sky than admit that we just don't know how it all started yet?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Don't know what started of evolution, might be that all living things started adapting to the environment as it changed. And I didn't know about the thing with the sun being 1% bigger or smaller. If thats true, than wouldn't we be screwed?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There are many things that if they were just a little bit different we wouldn't exist. Just think about the complicated human body..... the vastness of space. Science wants proof that God exists? Proof is everywhere.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If the universe didn't exist, we wouldn't exist. The "if and else" statements really have no weight to them. Pointless.

by Anonymous 13 years ago