+419 "Being a teenager is difficult”, but isn't being a grown up harder? Being single you 40’s is worse than being single in your teens, you might need money as a teenager, but at least you don’t have any bills to pay, and worries about your weight, gossip and social life doesn’t really disappear when you grow up, they just get company from the worries about rent, kids and taxes, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you don't think you need to worry about your weight when you're a teenager?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

no shes saying you do, but as you get older you have even more things to worry about

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, she says "but at least you don’t have any bills to pay, and worries about your weight"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

nooo nono that goes with the next part of the sentence. meaning, "worries about your weight, gossip, and social life doesn't really disappear when you grow up"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh I get it now. But being a teenager is difficult, but no one ever said that being a grown up was easier.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with this. I am done with the media portraying all teenagers as moody hormone crazed brats, and more annoyed with the teenagers out there that act like this. there is truly no reason to act this way, because this period in life cannot be the most difficult. adults are the ones that have it tough. (depending on your situation, though...)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

True. Potassium chloride?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lolololol i love you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Good point, horribly written.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Who said teens don't have to deal; with bills, financial troubles, educations, children (kids of their own, or siblings), and so much other crap, on top of school, work, and family life. At 40 your life went a certain way because you and you alone choose it. As a teenager you’re stuck with whatever family and life you are stuck with. amIrite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

because most parents pay the bills, is what she is trying to say. it's out there, but it surely isn't common that the kids of the family are the sole financial support, especially not bills. As a teenager, it is most common that your family takes care of whatever bills and of you how they see fit, and it's annoying when kids complain when usually their life is quite a bit simpler than an adult's.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thank you for this. I, as a teenager, see teens complaining all the time. They dont realize how good they have it. Im sick of seeing idiot teenagers acting like their lives are more difficult than those of adults.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

True, but adults also don't really have to worry about their parents controlling their lives and taking away everything they care about while screaming at them for hours on end over something stupid.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Since when do teenagers not have to deal with weight?! I'm a teenage girl, and I feel SO much pressure to be thin I KNOW my mom doesn't deal with.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Idiot she didn't say that. Read the fucking post before you comment next time okay?

by Anonymous 13 years ago