+594 Not all, but a lot of fat people blame it on a slow metabalism, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Which is ironic, because fat people actually have a faster metabolism than lean people.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I blame it on aliens, personally.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Pfft. I just eat alot.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

well for some of us it is true but most of the time there just lazy and eat to much but then there are some people (like me) who eat healthy and exercise regularly but just cant seem to lose that weight. oh well

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I always thought that fat people blamed it on having a glandular problem or something and that they all had slow metabolism because they didn't excersise and ate too much.... Well I have no excuse, really. I excersise and try to eat healthy but still I'm on the chubby sideLMFAO :D

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Not exercising creates a slow metabolism because the body isn't going to work any faster than it has to. Some of us really DO have slow metabolisms. If you don't eat foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins in a routine eating pattern, your metabolism will slow down. That can be caused by both eating too much and not eating enough. When someone refuses to eat, the body goes into survival mode, burning the stored fats for energy and conserving all the fat (however little) the person takes in. So we have a right to blame our weight problems on a slow metabolism, even if it was caused by our own bad habits. Also, there's more to weight loss than "get of your butt and do something." It's not eactly rocket science, but mental health is often a huge factor. Psychological addictions to food can be so strong that it can be damaging to try and sever those with one cut. In addition, most of us (obese) actually DO have larger bones. (: Men lose weight faster. It's pretty complicated.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

P.S. Why use the word "fat?" There's such a derogatory context to it. It's easier to say "fat" than "overweight" or "obese," but guess what? "Obese" has two more letters and one more syllable. We're not the only lazy ones, it appears. (:

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I think we all read that and thought of how stupid it is Yes ok you may have a slower metabolism, but you just said it yourself, it was due to your own fatass habits Do you enjoy being fat? If you have no problem against people discriminating you and calling you fat instead of obese, then thats fine, but if you would like to lose some weight, it isnt that hard. Im an actor I need to lose and gain weight all the time, its not that hard, just put your mind to it, and hit up a gym

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You quite clearly did not read all of what I said because one question you have asked is clearly answered in my posts. Please come back and try to debate with me when you know what it is you are trying to argue.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Some of us "fat people" acually eat healthy, and we do have slow metabalisms

by Anonymous 14 years ago

''Not all, but a lot of fat people blame it on a slow metabalism''

by Anonymous 14 years ago

still, there are those that are lying. and those that really do have metaboalism issues that hurts them. i mean, i dont have a slow metabalism... i didnt always eat healthy when i was home alone becuase i couldnt cook and i have asthma which makes exercise difficult. but im still trying to work my thighs off

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I understand, must be terrible, but its good that you're 'trying to work (your) thighs off' :) But yeh I guess some people are just born luckier than others

by Anonymous 14 years ago

XD yeah you can say that again

by Anonymous 14 years ago