+491 Life is better with a crush. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I currently like a guy, and I'm getting mixed signals from him. He randomly starts talking to me on Facebook and seemingly flirts, but when I talk to him, he somewhat ignores me. And I'm seeing him on Saturday, and I'm so freaked out and I'm having difficulty sleeping. It's different for everyone, though.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

He's probably just shy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I had the same problem. My crush would randomly talk to me on facebook and flirt with me a bit, but in person, half the time he would totally ignore me even though I was standing right there. I was so confused and it felt horrible. Now, he's my boyfriend :D Even though it was tormenting not knowing how he felt, I realized that having a crush on him also made life really exciting. Like, am I going to pass by him in the hallway today? Maybe he does like me back? And whenever we would talk I would feel happy for the next day. And now that we're finally together, liking him for so long was worth it!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If by "crush" you mean orange soda....Then YES I totaly agree!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago