-440 If they get a genetics test to make sure their babies will be healthy, a brother and sister should be allowed to get married, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Now can someone please explain to me why this is a no-no (at least for half of you so far), but if you apply the arguments of gay marriage to it, it follows the same principles. For the record, I support gay marriage, no need to get preachy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

For one thing it's against most religions.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But so is gay marriage

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well technically, it's not gay marriage that the Bible prohibits, just gay sex, but it strictly prohibits the marriage between siblings, even step-siblings. It says this is because it would be a sin against your- father? maybe it was mother or brother or someone else in the family- so I'm geussing this means it's because it would be disrespectful to the family. And I HIGHLY doubt that even half siblings could have children without birth defects in the first place.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Separation of church and state. Who gives a flying fuck if it's against religions? If the babies will be fine, it should be allowed. I mean, I think it's kinda gross and I wouldn't do it, but that doesn't mean other people shouldn't be allowed to.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

for another thing. its fucking disgusting.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Inbreeding increases homozygosity, therefore decreasing diversity, therefore decreasing natural selection, therefore bottlenecking the population, therefore increasing incest and continuing a cycle until we are extinct

by Anonymous 12 years ago

gross... just gross.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's a gross idea, but I guess its okay

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Theoretically, I guess it could be plausible. If you had a child with your sibling without genetics tests and stuff your kid would probably be okay. Inbreeding just possesses a higher risk of recessive genetic disorders. But regardless, in practice incest is highly looked down upon in most parts of the world, so I don't think it would ever really catch on. Plus, the amount of abortions had due to genetic disorders could be very high, which is bad.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

By a genetics test I meant a test BEFORE they got pregnant, just to clear that up. So the amount of abortions wouldn't be any higher in a sibling marriage.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

yeah, bit the chances of a brother and sister, to fall in love with each other AND produce a healthy baby is minute

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No. Just no.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why not?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

it defies the laws of nature. just like bestiality.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

People would have said that about gays a century ago

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh so you're being progressive eh?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm just not being two-faced by saying "Let gays marry! Let them live their own lives!" and then saying "Eww! Sibling marriage? I would never do that so nobody else should either!" If you call applying your morals to all situations progressive, then yes, I'm being progressive.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

no. one has nothing to do with the other and if you think that they do just because they both use the word "marriage" then that's ignorant. gay marriage doesnt have the potential to produce human beings who will live a life full of suffering, dependence, and ostracism (and that isnt eugenics either) but sibling marriage does. you bring up in your OP the possibility of genetic research that can tell if a child born of two siblings will have birth defects. I'm not a scientist so I could be wrong but I dont believe that such a technology exists because a person's genetic code is not determined until after conception. how, at the time of testing, would one be able to pre-determine which sperm cell will take to which egg cell? just because I am for gay marriage does not mean that I think marriage should be a free for all. it should not. I just dont think that it should be limited to straight couples.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Actually no it doesn't. Animals have sex with their siblings all the time. It's natural. Humans have just created this idea that incest is bad, that doesn't make it unnatural.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What about hiddenb problems that get passed to their kids' kids?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"Carrier testing is used to identify people who carry one copy of a gene mutation that, when present in two copies, causes a genetic disorder. This type of testing is offered to individuals who have a family history of a genetic disorder and to people in ethnic groups with an increased risk of specific genetic conditions. If both parents are tested, the test can provide information about a couple's risk of having a child with a genetic condition."

by Anonymous 12 years ago

As long as they don't have sex, I don't see why people care. If it's not harming anyone in a negative way, then people shouldn't make a big deal out of it. It's their life, not yours.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thank you! People get so fucking preachy on this site about gay marriage and staying out of other people's lives but something like this gets voted way down? I'm calling you out amiriters-you're fucking two-faced!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They did the same thing with polygamist marriages... My comments supporting it got voted down. People need to open their minds.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's not that people need to open their minds, it's that people need to stop supporting an idea one minute in one situation and condemning it in another situation

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Bring it batman!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh, it's been brought!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Shit is going down...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

ohhh hell no! Amiriters unite!!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This could be the start of a GATTACA-esque world where people are segregated based on their genes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This wouldn't happen. There's some sort of psychological defense mechanism against that. It's impossible to become sexually attracted to a member of the opposite sex that was around for your entire childhood. A son can't get turned on by his mom, a daughter won't fall in love with her dad, and siblings cannot be attracted to one another.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So you're saying childhood friends never become sexually attracted to each other?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

@1352142 (CapedCrusader): There's a certain age (I think maybe it's 4 or 6? I'm not sure). If you're younger than that when you meet them it's unusual for that kind of attraction to occur. Not unheard of, not impossible. Just unusual.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I dunno, Corey and Topanga met when they were 5...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What if there's a defect in the mechanism? Not saying I support it, but sexual attraction between two family members is bound to happen to some people out of the billions in the world. Same thing with being gay. Homosexuality must have started as a defect somewhere in our existence, because it wouldn't make sense for humans to survive longer with it (I'm not talking about incest or homosexuality being right or wrong, only about genetics).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

that is just completely untrue.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This isn't like gay marriage... it's your goddamn family o_x it's like marrying your clone

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why does it matter to you if two people just want to be happily married and they're siblings?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How can they even be sexually attracted to eachother?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know it's hard to imagine in your bubble of a life, but it happens. Consenting adult siblings are sexually attracted to each other. Google it

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Maybe they SHOULD be allowed..but the concept is sickening

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This ( http://www.amirite.net/587712) is freaking POTD but my post gets voted down? It's really sad how people pretend to be all for something but once the concept applies to something socially unacceptable, they back down.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If they want to, they both consent to it, and they're both of age, sure. I don't think they should have children because that would increase genetic defects (some you just can't test for) and it would make for a very difficult life for the child with a lot of stigma and hatred.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thank you! It's really immature how people's only reasoning is "It's gross." Who gives a damn, it's none of your business. (Unless you love your sibling, ohohohon~ )

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm sitting on the fence with this one because if they don't ever have sex and get married, it's really not harming anyone. Saying that it's "gross" and "against my religion" are terrible arguments because not everyone has the same religious beliefs and just because you find it gross doesn't mean it should be forbidden. But on the other hand, it is actually very rare and unlikely for siblings to be attracted to one another unless they were separated from a young age and haven't seen each other for a while. Since It is very rare for this to occur, it's probably not worth fighting over this topic.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Incest is practiced in many different cultures, and has been all throughout history. Ancient Egyptian royalty, anyone? I believe the reason people are down voting you and are rejecting this idea so vehemently is because all, or I guess most, of us grew up in a society where that idea was completely taboo. I really do understand the point you're trying to make, but I believe you are mistaken. The thing is, allowing this would be paving the road to making all incest socially acceptable. Why just brothers and sisters, you know? And THAT is what's dangerous. Not all "couples" would get married, and not all would get genetically tested before they reproduce, just like any other couple. Also, keep in mind the psychological impact this would have on people. Incest does happen, more often than what people on this site seem to realize and usually it's all about dominance and control. The scenario you are describing would be very rare, I think.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Most of the time incest occurs, it's between two adolescent siblings, which is wrong because they are not of consenting age. However, there are cases in which two consenting adult siblings fall in love. Even so, even if this IS a hypothetical situation, how people react can still say a lot about them.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No, I think for the most part the majority of incest involves a child being molested by a parent, uncle, aunt, cousins, etc. Look for what it's worth, as far as what you're describing you're right. It's disturbing and questionable, but you're right. Two consenting adults who are in love should have the right to be together, but I personally don't think they should reproduce.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Actually, the most common form of incest is between two underage siblings (according to Wikipedia)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's BELIEVED to be, but considering that so much goes unreported I don't think any statistics are really accurate. I was basing what I said off of the first hand accounts of many people I've known. Were you doing the same?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's a fair argument, I'm sure childhood sibling sex gets reported a lot more than parent-child sex. However, it's a bit short-sighted to base such a broad statement off of only your own personal accounts, don't you think?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, I agree that it is somewhat short sighted. But it's mostly what I hear about, through first hand accounts and in the media. But I really don't know, I'm definitely not an expert. Have you known many (or any) incestuous siblings?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No, but I also don't personally know anyone who's had sexual relations with their parents

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I had a friend in high school who was a foreign exchange student, and she told me about a party she went to in her home country where she made out with her sister. Apparently it was no big deal. I'd forgotten about that until now. Hell, maybe worldwide it is more common.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If two people want to get married, who are you to say no? Just because it grosses you out doesn't mean you should be allowed to say they can't. It's not gonna hurt you. It's not gonna hurt their children. Other than being "gross", what's the problem?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

i agree with you. I think a lot of the people who disagreed are only disagreeing because the majority disagreed. Since this issue is rarely brought up, not many of the voters had a chance to really think about the topic, so they just figured it was wrong because it was gross and agreed with the popular opinion. it's also considered a taboo to most people so that has a great impact on the way people voted. Now i'm sure if this is why people voted no way on this or not, but it's a possible reason.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'll throw in my two cents I don't agree with incest because that can lead to genetic problems, but not allowing siblings to marry is not going to prevent incest. Marriage isn't for having sex. unless the siblings don't believe in sex before marriage, allowing them to marry won't make a difference. Yes, I know that it is disgusting to most people, but just because it's gross doesn't automatically mean it's wrong. what may be gross to you may not be gross to others.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't understand the connection.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No bor no, dick and twisted u know that causes genetic mutations in the stream nd ur baby may have and extra pair of physical features-.- the genetic code will be unstable ehhh. Twisted

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Is this from personal experience...?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I wouldn't know, but I'd imagine that having feelings for a brother or sister is like having feelings for someone of the same sex or for an animal or for that random person in class. You can't really choose who you love-it just sorta happens. So it'd probably be really awkward but people should be able to do whatever the fuck they want :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago