+284 one of the cruelist things you could ever do is say you hate your parents & want them to die. They gave you their life, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What if your parents suck? My mom was an abusive alcoholic coke sniffing bitch and my dad ran out on us after my mom popped out more kids than she could handle. I hate them both and wish both had never been born, at least I wouldn't be alive to suffer through all the shit they've put me through then!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well, maybe under those circumstances. I'm talking about the rich snobs who say it to their parents for not giving them everything they want.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with this, but it makes it sound like they died and gave me their soul. They gave me life, not their life. It made me laugh...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know that you're talking about spoiled brats who say this, but honestly some people are justified in saying this. I think that one of the cruelist things to have happen to you is having parents, who are supposed to love and care for you, that are neglectful and abusive.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Exactly! It's much more cruel for a parent to act badly towards a child than a child towards a parent. One thing that everyone is entitled to is good parents.

by Anonymous 12 years ago