-306 If I want to cut my arms and legs with razor blades, I should be allowed to. It's my body. At least I'm not hurting other people, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

But you're hurting those who love you, because when they see you in pain, they too suffer.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Hurting yourself is a horrible way to deal with things. If that is what you're doing it for. Otherwise, seek mental help. Hell, do that anyway. Cutters are crazy.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

What a stupid post. Cut yourself some more for being such a selfish idiot.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

On one hand, I don't support self-harm in the slightest and I think it's a horrible thing; On the other hand, like you said, it is your body, and it's nobody's business to tell you what to do to it.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

are you stupid. so if someone you loved was hurting themselves then you'd just be like "do what you want, your body" that horrible.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It's very rude to call someone stupid, particularly when you can't use punctuation and capitalization correctly. Yes, that is how I respond to such a thing; they're cutting themselves for attention. When they didn't get it, they got bored and stopped. Or in your language: im not stupid. i know how this stuff works and junk.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i was mad then. and not always is cutting for attention. my english is not very good, im not good at the grammer and puncuation thing. or spelling. some people cut because they feel sad inside. ignoring could only make them feel more alone so then they cut more and your more sad too now.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You are, in fact, hurting other people. They don't like seeing someone they love in pain. And don't give me that crap saying "Noone loves me so noone cares." Saying that AND cutting yourself are just ways for you to get attention.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Cutting is not just a way to get attention. Often it is a way to physically release emotional pain. Most people who cut don't let their cuts show; it wouldn't make sense to do something other people don't see to get their attention.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

CUT PIE, NOT WRISTS. ^And I feel the need to post this, but I'm sure I'd get many negative responses. x)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(Generic negative response) PIEEEE!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(NEGative ResPONSe)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I like pie:D PIE PLEASE

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I know cutting may seem like an escape (I've been there) but you should know that there are people that care about you. Get some help, not for anyone elses sake but for yourself, please. Try another outlet like running or writing instead of cutting.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

stop cutting your self. you owe it to yourself to stop. but you mostly owe it to the peolpe that love you. they have to sit by in pain themselves, and watch you do somthing horrible to yourself.if you don't think you owe it to yourself to stop, then a least stop cause you sure as hell owe the ppl that care about you, and ppl do care about you.i care about you. and now that you have me worried about you, you at least owe it to me to stop.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Why would you care about me and worry? I don't know who you are. You don't know who I am. And for the people who are calling me stupid and telling me I'm trying to get attention, I really don't care if you call me stupid. I feel the same way about myself, so whatever. And I'm not trying to get attention. Hardly anyone knows I do it. And I never said "noone loves me noone cares." I know people love me and care about me. That's not the problem.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well your argument was that you're not hurting anyone, but in actuality, people who love you, are hurt by it. And I thought of it just the same way as everyone else, and then I read this book "Willow," and it kind of gives a different perspective. But, it is not a healthy way to release pain, and you should talk to someone about it

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i do care about you. cause you are another human being out there that is hurting. most ppl don't care like that but i do. i do care what you do to yourself even if idont know you. cause i know that you are hurting, so it shouldnt matter who you are. please just stop now.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i've never really had the feeling that i wanted to cut myself, but i have felt like no one cared. and i wanted some type of escape. i understand how you could think it's not hurting anyone else, because you probably feel like they don't care anyway. but they do, no matter who you are, people in your love do love you and you should consider them when making decisions.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Take it from me, it's not worth it, unless you really just love being a weak-minded fool.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

people who cut dont advertise it. its an escape.

by Anonymous 14 years ago