+983 Today I found out that Justin bieber says the word 'baby' 55 times in one song. I think this kid needs to expand his vocabulary a bit, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You could have cut out the "Today I found out that" part. You're not on mlia.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Or we could make a drinking game out of it. ;)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think I love you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I find it slightly sad that you counted how many times he said baby, but I still agreed with you ^_^

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lol!!!! I said exactly that, it is quite sad that u counted how many times he sed it! But hes about 16 years old, he should be using other words and synonyms. lol

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well the song is called Baby.... but you're right. The title doesn't need to be repeated so much.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I dont know what you guys are talking about. the song goes, "I've got rabies, rabies, rabies, oh no! Rabies, rabies, rabies, oh!"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You guys are all so stupid! Clearly he has a good vocabulary seeing as he has other songs and baby is not the only word he says in the song and he is extremely talented so idk why so many people are bagging on him, probably because he's only 16 and he's already more successful and has made more money than any of you ever will in your ENTIRE life

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(justinbieberislove!): I'm only jealous of his money. And clearly, you're the stupid one. Lack of punctuation, mediocre vocabulary, and assumptions. Congratulations. You are now a hypocrite. I do, however, appreciate your correct use of "than".

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is internet, NOT school. So there is not really a need for correct grammar and blah blah blah. That's just a waste of time, as long as you can understand it and know what is being said, then why the fuck are you complaining. People all over the world type without caring about punctuation and shit, so unless you want to correct everyone STFU. And if everyone wants to continue to bash on Justin Bieber, you seriously have no lives if all you do is fucking worry about a 16 year old, WHO IS STILL A KID, and his care free life. unless you are seriously in love with him, GET OVER HIM! That goes for fans too. JustinBieberisLove is correct. ANONYMOUS OUT!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Aren't you cool. Trust me, I correct people. I'm 15. It's not a waste of time, by the way. Colleges and employers do look at webpages like Facebook and Myspace. Who would they want in their school or work area? Someone who types lyke dis w/ runon sentinces n little to no punktuashun or someone who uses correct grammar? I don't "only worry about a 16 year old". I just get really bored with writing my essays for an accelerated English class and a 25pg packet for an AP class [in sophomore year]. Forgive me for perusing the internet.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Umm you aren't the only one who is 15. I'm 15 too. Also in an AP science class in sophomore year. I can still type correctly and not get offended that some people don't feel like typing with grammar and what not. And I am pretty sure most people that work at colleges and and stuff have Facebook and Myspace pages as well, and it's not what's on the internet that'll get you a job cause it's only words. And actions speak louder than words. And you get soo bored you harass people about an opinion? How about you stick to your nerd shit and leave Justin Bieber alone.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm entitled to an opinion. And I'm allowed to express that opinion. It's in the Constitution. Yes, I do get that bored, by the way. Sister on the TV, heat wave so no trampoline, brother taking other TV, and I can't drive. Only option left? Internet. Even the internet gets boring. So forgive me for finding something to do. Turning people away from crappy music seems pretty productive.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not even a Bieber fan, but seriously, stfu.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Me, or them?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(justinbieberislove!): The person who made this post. Everyone gets that most people don't like Justin Bieber.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ooh okay, but A LOT of people do like him

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(justinbieberislove!): Yeah, I noticed that too. Everybody's noticed, and has known for a while. Nobody gives a shit any more.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

acually, hes got zero talent. i mean, juet listen to how much auto tune he uses!!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

He doesn't use ANY auto tune obviously you've never heard him live! And he's got talent cause he was dscovered on youtube and he obviously didn't have any autotune then!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I thought he lip sank but your right! I guess he is kinda talented then...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Fred was discovered on Youtube. He doesn't have talent. The second half of your post is void.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So yeah, he can sing in tune. Big deal. Thousands of people sing well and in tune. Also thousands have talent he doesn't have like actually composing their own music, and not that shit pop music everyone listens to but real music. I believe Justin Bieber has no talent other than to sing which he doesn't do that well either. Unless you are accustomed to hear 6 year old girls sing.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

omg u obviously have no life when all u have to do is find a reson to hat biebs. he makes millions off dat song while u sit at home counting all the times he says baby in one song

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Seriously, wrong fucking website dipshit

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i think you need to get a life

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You...counted them? Hit the little back button on the top of your page and you will be returned to MLIA.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

to justinbieberislove : a lot of peeps just don't like his music, for obviouse reasons. I don't care about money that much, and if i do make a lot, it will be because im a doctor, making the world a better place insted of making more hatred to go around.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Seriously people, the kid is only 16. He's making a career. Give him a fucking break for a bit!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

if all these people hate justin so much, then just stop listening to his music and criticizing everything he does, alright? i'm sure there's somebody that you like listening to that i don't like. everyone likes different music, and people who like justin bieber should be able to say we like him. obviously, he has talent. otherwise he wouldn't be famous for singing.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We DONT listen to his music, when he got discovered we all maybe checked out a few songs but obviously they just suck. But just like you said people have different taste in music, some people like music and lyrics that are really different others like songs that have the same word said over and over again with the same tune going on in the background.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Alright, I must say, I am on both sides of this argument. The thing is, Justin Bieber got LUCKY. I know plenty of people with a great voice, and plenty as good or better, who have youtube videos. If it was anyone else like him, I'm sure we'd be bagging on them, as well, so for those of you that said "Well he got discovered on youtube" Well, he got LUCKY.

by Anonymous 13 years ago