+833 I don't hate Justin Bieber for his high pitched voice; I mean, look at Michael Jackson, he sounded like a girl and he's a legend. There are other reasons to hate Justin Bieber. For example, the fact that he's 16 and all his songs have crappy lyrics about love, which he knows nothing about, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

and his songs r about girls and hes probably gay

by Anonymous 13 years ago

hes 16? o___o really? I honestly thought he was 13..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

true. true....and he's all auto-tune

by Anonymous 13 years ago

dont hate him then. hate his songs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Michael Jackson didn't sound like a girl, he just had a higher pitched voice. No way would I hear him on the radio and think it's a girl.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

not only that but he is jerk

by Anonymous 13 years ago

His songs are mostly about him being desperate, for example: "I just need someone to love me".

by Anonymous 13 years ago

MJ didn't sound feminine, just higher-pitched. There's a certain quality that makes you sound like a female(even if you aren't high pitched). Bieber has that, and he sounds awful with it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not even that, it's the fact the people are so obsessed with his music, for no other reason besides it's "catchy." It's worse than the Soulja Boy fad, imo. D;

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't HATE Justin Beiber. You shouldn't hate anyone that you don't know, especially for a reason such as not liking the music. But on the whole, this post is correct. The lyrics are awful.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

VERY TRUE. Hate how he talks all about love in his songs, and he says his lyrics are meant to mean something to people. But in reality he doesn't even write his own songs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I totally agree with all your points of why to dislike him, but I cannot stand his voice. Even if he were actually a girl I wouldn't be able to listen to him.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I hate the guy as much as the next person, and I agree his lyrics ARE crap, but who's to say he doesn't know anything about love?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

He's a kid, kids don't know what love feels like.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Look, I don't need to get into a philosophical debate with you, but I'm younger than Bieber, and I have a pretty good idea of what love is. Now, I'm sure you'll just write me off as another stupid kid, but before you do that, consider this: I may not know your definition of "love," but when I look into her eyes, I feel a strange warmth flood through me. When she smiles, I smile too, when she laughs, so do I. I haven't seen her in two months, because with both been busy over the summer, so every night before I fall asleep, I stare at the ceiling and feel how my heart is dying, and I think of her. In my mind I picture her beautiful hair, how her eyes light up as she smiles, the little quiver she gets when she laughs, and sometimes I hold the letters she sent me. I run my finger along the words she penned so very far away, and it makes me feel just a little bit closer to her. So yeah, maybe I don't know love, but if I don't, please tell me what those feelings are.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, you have one lucky girl. And maybe it is love, only you can decide. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with most of the comments here; MJ didn't sound feminine, he just had a higher pitched voice. I don't even HATE Justin. I just don't like the fact that ALL his freaking songs make him sound desperate AND that he's pretty stupid too... I mean honestly, he didn't know what the hell Germany is and singing the word "baby" about 52 times in one song makes him sound unattractive and pretty stupid [does he have a wider vocab?]! O.o -.-" -xoxo

by Anonymous 13 years ago

1.No one said he wrote his songs. 2.His voice is actually deeper in real life, they just change it so it sounds better in the sound. It's gonna sound retarded if its a deep voice+upbeat song. 3.What's with that joke about him being gay/a girl? If you're gonna stick to that joke, it wouldn't even make sense put together. 4. MJ is godly for his dancing and his revolution on music. Nothing to do with his voice.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

1. Correct, the OP didn't say anything about his song writing, they were talking about his singing. 2. I'm pretty sure when you say "they change it", you mean they use auto-tune. 3. He does sound like a girl, whether he's singing or talking. 4. MJ is famous for his dancing, his revolution, AND singing.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, but everyone else is talking about his song writing and his "lack of vocabulary". They might as well keep the reasons straight on why they dislike him so much. If he "too young to understand love", what makes you think he can write a song on his own? Lyrics: not his fault. Obviously, I meant auto-tune. No, he doesn't sound like a girl when he's talking. I've heard him in interviews.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Some people have multiple reasons to dislike him, and he does lack in vocabulary. Lyrics: he could choose not to sing those songs. I've also heard him in interviews. He does sound like a girl. Well at least that's my opinion. (We all have rights to opinion, amirite?)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not that easy, you can't just choose not to sing the lyrics the music company demands. There's a contract, and even if he did have a say in it, what would he change it to? He's apparently "only 16, therefore doesn't understand anything."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We're not asking him to change his music. We're simply making fun of his lyrics. And how do you know they demand him to sing his songs?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

MJ does sound like a girl we're just so used to his voice that when we here it we think MJ. Justin bieber can sing listen to him live or his youtube videos and yes he's annoying but everyone trashing him is getting annoying

by Anonymous 13 years ago

When I was little, Michael Jackson sounded like a girl in some songs to me. But his songs weren't so crappy. Plus, his voice was a very good feminine voice. Unlike Justin Bieber, who sounds like a 5 year old that is all auto tune. And his lyrics ARE crap, but I HATE when people say "oh, he's 16, he doesn't know what love is!" I am sure most of the adults on here would say that they were in love at 16. Even if it may seem trivial now, it was still love at the time.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What about justin timberlake? :P He has a pretty girly voice, eh?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

who said u have to be a certian age to know about love? thers no law that has an age restriction on love.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That isn't necessarily true. I'm 16 and I'm almost sure i know just as much, if not MORE, about love than you. Define love! Is it not the strong of regard and affection towards someone? What makes you think that he along with many other 16 year olds haven't and don't feel "love" towards someone. Even at such a young age, he could have experienced just as much if not more things in life than you have. What makes you think he's less prone to feeling love than yourself? Bull.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That isn't necessarily true. I'm 16 and I'm almost sure i know just as much, if not MORE, about love than you. Define love! Is it not the strong of regard and affection towards someone? What makes you think that he along with many other 16 year olds haven't and don't feel "love" towards someone. Even at such a young age, he could have experienced just as much if not more things in life than you have. What makes you think he's less prone to feeling love than yourself? Bull.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That isn't necessarily true. I'm 16 and I'm almost sure i know just as much, if not MORE, about love than you. Define love! Is it not the strong feeling of regard and affection towards someone? What makes you think that he along with many other 16 year olds haven't and don't feel "love" towards someone. Even at such a young age, he could have experienced just as much if not more things in life than you have. What makes you think he's less prone to feeling love than yourself? Bull. I'm sure half of your parents out there would agree that at 16, they too were in love. It may have seemed trivial at the time but it still counts.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Your argument is horrible!!!!!! MJ was 10 when he sang about love in his ABC song!!!! What does a 10 year old know about love??? According to you a 10 year old knew more about love than a 16 year old!!!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It wasn't exactly HIS song. He was part of the Jackson 5, meaning the band sung about it. And in case you haven't noticed... not everyone in that band was 10.

by Anonymous 13 years ago