-370 two girls holding hands is hot. two guys holding hands is gay, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

they're both hot =]

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Gay kids piss me off.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What did they do to you ?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Choose to be gay.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

they don't choose to be gay they just are. I am assumeing your a guy, correct? Well lets prettend you had a girls personality, but trapped in the wrong body, wouldn't you be gay?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

not everyone chooses :(

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@290154 : You choose to be gay, you aren't born with a defect that makes you like a dick in your ass.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not your fucking place to tell people it's wrong to love someone just because they are of the same sex. I don't believe it's a choice to be gay or straight. Who the hell would want to purposefully go against society like that? So many people think it's wrong and no one wants to be an outcast. People can try as hard as they want to repress their true feelings, but in the end, its in your nature.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Your a fucking fag for defending scum.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thanks, I didn't know I was a cigarette.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Nice grammar there. You really showed us! Man, saying people choose to be gay AND using incorrect grammar? We should really look up to you. : Also, NO ONE chooses to be gay. I sure as hell didn't choose to be gay. It's in your genes. I can't help it. I'd much rather like guys and be happy than hide my true self and lie to myself and everyone else on a daily basis. This is why I don't hang out with males. They're so insecure about themselves and they take it out on others by calling them 'faggot' 'queer' and 'gay.' It doesn't make you look cooler, it makes you look immature and totally unintelligent. It's going to be quite funny if you end up having a gay son, hating homosexuals and the like.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That post was soooooooo gay.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

WOAH THERE. LET'S KEEP THIS CIVIL. Your totally creative and original insult was way out of line, man. I'm crying right now. It really hurt.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Stop being a fag.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh man, you're full of these totally creative insults. Tell me moar please.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

People like you disgrace the human race for hating other humansfor who they are. Your fucked up in the head, you wouldnt know shit about people being gay. Your ignorant. You dont choose who to love or what to be attracted to. Did you just tell your mind I wana be attracted to that chick or that dude and it just happens. No you fucking reject, get some sense. Asshole.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You get turned on by seeing two girls holding hands?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okay so if being gay is against my religion, then why is it not okay for me to say gay rights are a joke because it is offensive, yet other people can go around saying being gay is okay even though that offends some people? Can't we all just keep our opinions to ourselves?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

bittersweet, quit being so ignorant. Gayness is against evolutionary nature. A defect, if you will. Not to mention disgusting. Trying to be superior with morals, you're pathetic. Opinions are protected by, above all things, natural given rights. Everyone has them. Yours, however, make you seem like a twilight obcessed ponyboy faggot. spartan, you are right, queers are offensive. What they do behind closed closet doors is one thing, but when they make it known that thier rear exit also accepts package deliveries, then that becomes repulsive and... well, offensive. Not to mention just flat out wrong. Cheers, Brave and Vigilant Knight

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): You were probably gay and got turned down & that's why you hate them. You're probably some computer nerd now. 'Brave and Vigilant Knight'...... nice name....

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Your probably gay. The closest thing to gay I've ever gotten is when I read Brave's post. Basically I jizzed.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is just another example of the hideous double standards in our society today.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

hey, kawaii, ever hear of emos and scene and shit like that? It's called deliberately trying to "go against society". Kind of like queers, except men bumming men is atrocious. Your attempt to use moral goodness has failed miserably in the face of logic. And the anonymous guy who watched two minutes of "two and a half men" because he was hoping it was fag porn... go flutter around and pretend to be in "Jersey Boys". Freak. cheers, Brave and Valiant Knight

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): So are you okay with lesbians, because it seems you are only bashing the male homosexuals.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): You are pathetic.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

its sad that some people are so unaccepting and also extremely rude which is unnecessary. we are all just people and everyone deserves to be treated equally and with the same amount of respect.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

if everybody wants to be treated the same, everybody should ACT the same. The hypocritical anonymous sissy moron who whined about inequalities would probably not give "equal" treatment to a pregnant 12 year old, or a mass murderer, and apparently to someone who finds faggots to be disgusting creatures. Shut up and go sing koombiyah somewhere else. Cheers, Brave and Valiant Knight

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): jeez sorry i dont have a username i didnt know that posting anonymously because i dont have a username made me scared or something. ok honestly, you are EXTREMELY rude and you are one of the people in the world who should be treated differently for being a jerk all the time. your disrespectful language really makes you sound stupid and very pathetic. instead of using any logic or just being a calm reasonable person, your resolution is to throw back various insults.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

and, swankorn, i am offended by lesbians, because as they only like pussies and boobs, it'd make the chances of me joining them significantly harder. Bisexual chicks is where the party's at. But watching two girls sex each other up is quite a thrill. In other words... yeah, chicks banging is good, dudes screwing is repungent and should be punished by death like in some countries.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okay, so girls being together is okay but guys being together isn't? You people saying that sicken me. Everyone should be allowed to love. Those who are disgusted by gay guys need to just accept who they are. I am sick of being discriminated against as a bisexual female and I feel that all people despite their gender or sexuality should be aloud to live equally.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ok. Not gonna be rude, but here's my opinion seeing as I haven't seen it posted yet. I think it is wrong to be gay. I'm a Christian and it is against the Bible. Nobody is born gay or "meant to be" gay. Its simply something that some ppl r tempted by. Others are not. Just like everything else. It affects some and not others. HOWEVER, I do believe also that gays r people too, which seems to be often forgotten. While they r making a wrong decision, as a Christian, I am instructed to love one another, as Christ loves me. Which is unconditionally. So, there is no need to treat them like crap just cuz they're making a wrong decision. Just as if someone u loved stole something. You kno what they did was wrong and wish they hadn't done it. Ud do whatever u could to help them. But ud still love them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm sorry, but the bible doesn't once address homosexuality AS WE UNDERSTAND IT TODAY. Back then it was same sex gang rape. And I don't remember the exact verse (woman gave up their natural use of men and men gave up their natural use of woman, something like that) but it does not homosexuality, it's addressing adultery. Those men and woman were straight and committed adultery with someone of the same sex. They weren't in love with them. Homosexuality as we understand it today is not just sex. It's having genuine feelings for someone of the same gender. All the other same sex acts in the bible were not consensual, which is considered rape. I'm sure we can all agree rape, regardless of what sex it's between, is wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I have a question for all of you who believe that it is a choice to be gay. When did you decide to be straight?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Was that directed @ me Anonymous?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Was that directed @ me Anonymous?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I said that it was for everyone who thinks that it is a choice to be gay, not just you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I hate you all. your stubborn idiocy infuriates me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Being gay is a defect. Naturally you would want to mate with the opposite sex to bear offsprings.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not everyone wants to have children though. And what about the men and woman who cannot procreate? Do you think they have no sexuality. Maybe homosexuality is population control. If everyone had children, there would be more children in orphanages and no one to adopt them because they can have their own. Homosexuality does more good than harm.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If a man or a woman can't procreate then they are defected in the genitals. Homosexuals are defected in the brain because they don't wan't to bear offsprings with the opposite sex. Homosexuality is not being born differently it's being born defectively. As far as population control the truth is that societies are failing to replace the already existing generation because not enough people are bearing children. Homosexuality is one of the causes preventing society from being able to replace generation.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The human race isn't going to die out because 10% of the population is gay. The population is actually increasing. Homosexuality isn't a disorder, it's a sexuality. Also, with more people having children, there will be more children in orphanages. We need people to adopt these children, regardless of their sexuality.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Population is increasing because modern medicine is allowing us to live longer which allows multiple generations to exist at the same time not because more people are having more children. Birth rates are actually going down so "more children in orphanages" is wrong because there would be less children every year compared to previous one. I didn't say homosexuality is main reason but one of it. War, famine, and poverty are also reasons for poor birth rates

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Since people are living longer than they used to, it only makes since for birth rates to decrease. If birth rates were increasing, we would become overpopulated. Last I checked, overpopulation can lead to unsanitary living conditions and famine. Just look at China. They have to go to extremes to keep that from happening (one child per family law, farmers drowning new born babies, sometimes forced abortions, dying rooms, etc.) I, for one, do not want that to happen here.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

However that law will not help in the long run because it will cause labor shortages because more people are retiring then there are entering the workplace which will cause economic and social problems.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Shut the fuck up. You fucking bible humpers. Nobody cares what u think since the bible does all the thinking for u

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Things and people like you make me think but at the same time I laugh at this? Yeah the bible people have a good argument but so do the LGBT people. I love them all no matter what. ;) Either FUCK IT or LOVE IT is what I say!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually both are a sign of friendship.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

all the queers seem to have drifted from the woodwork to defend faggotry. Do you sissies want to know why normal people hate homos so much? It's not because billy and adam bang at home (though that is horrific and should be fined if caught at the LEAST) and as much as the fashionista boy at starbucks with the loud obnoxious lisp glaring at every guy's ass. It's the faggot pride parades. It's the bitch who's trying to look like clint eastwood. If you god damn fairy queeries want your "equality", try ACTING equal. Faggots are so narrow minded and overopinionated it sickens me. I personally would love to see each and every one of these immoral outcasts executed and the remains shipped to third world countries as food. Two huge problems solved at once. cheers, Brave and Vigilant Knight

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): i would just like to say you are a HORRIBLE person. You could be Hitler right now talking about killing millions of people. I am totally straight but I'm not a freaking jerk like you are. Alright so no one is telling you that you have to love all others, but at least treat them like a real person. Fine dont make friends or whatever, but that doesnt mean you should treat anyone else like crap anyway. Think of it this way, if you had someone (classmate, coworker) who was different for any reason at all, you might not be best friends with them but if they lets say talk to you, you wont ignore them. you answer back even if its not in a friendly way. but i doubt your small and sick mind could even comprehend such decency around people that are different which is perfectly ok. by the sounds of it you are a racist homophobe.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

in my above comment when i say "which is perfectly okay" i was addressing the person's quality that makes them different not the fact that ur mind cannot comprehend decency around them is ok. just clearing that up.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I speak of ridding this area of parasites of time money and politcal interests and feeding the hungry and I'm "horrible"?! How crass. Not to mention calling this brave and vigilant knight a racist shows how you apparently have a reading disorder. The color of one's skin is irrelevant. It's the person's character. Queers have bad character. Secret homosexuals who are only gay behind closed doors are the only homosexuals who earn any decent treatment. Sissyboy faggots who flaunt around in dresses and are blatantly obnoxious do not. It's your opinions to leave fags be with "equality". It's my opinion to leave their remains in landfills. Both opinions, niether will happen. Cheers, Brave and Vigilant Knight

by Anonymous 13 years ago

that knight dude is funny ur rite homos r gross

by Anonymous 13 years ago

One gesture. -facepalm- The ridiculousness of you people sometimes...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

homosexuality is a disgusting mental disease. A plague, apparently, if one out of ten people is a faggot. A hideous defect in the mind that can turn what should be a homo sapien into a homosexual. It's as horrible a disease as cancer, as it leads to multiple gay sex diseases. Cheers, Brave and Vigilant Knight

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why is it that only myself and the 94th spartan are the only one's making any sense about how queers and thier mental defect are abominations. Mass murders and master thieves are a higher class of people than faggots. Cheers, Brave and Vigilant Knight

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why is it that only myself and the 94th spartan are the only one's making any sense about how queers and thier mental defect are abominations. Mass murders and master thieves are a higher class of people than faggots. Cheers, Brave and Vigilant Knight

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why is it that only myself and the 94th spartan are the only one's making any sense about how queers and thier mental defect are abominations. Mass murders and master thieves are a higher class of people than faggots. Cheers, Brave and Vigilant Knight

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): people are people. some are gay, some have different skin colors, different religions and so on. then theres some people who are jerks. like you. go die.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

oh my god, homosexual anonymous poster who called this brave and vigilant knight a jerk. You and all of your wisdom and love of other penises, you're so right... Why, you and that pompous acraisa faggot should get married and live on the happy mountain... Just kidding. You and him should go to madagascar and fuck, so that both of you would get excuted for being wretched outcast faggots. Death may be too good for a gang of high-and-mighty abominations like yourselves, but at least it'll cleanse the planet of 2 more of you dirtbags.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@295471 (BraveAndVigilantK...): I've come to the conclusion that you two are trolls. No one in their right mind would ever say anything so horrible about fellow human beings. And if you both truly believe what you say, then you're the ones with mental diseases, not us.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

shelbica, you have more mental issues than anyone in this thread if you as a gay think that automatically makes you superior. Truth is, it makes you a shameful inferior. Your character is dirtier and lower than the bottom of an outhouse, with similar material. Vile creature. You'd be enough of a shmuck even if you were straight. The fact you are a queer as well makes you that useless to this world. People... no, not even people, I'm not trying to give you compliments you don't deserve... creatures like you and acraisa and all the other homos are a parasite and a virus to us people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): Not only are you so obviously a troll, but you also think that your opinion of me matters. You don't know me. I bet you're just a lonely 40 year old man who still lives in his mother's basement, sits at the computer all day, and makes fun of gay people because you are secretly gay but can't accept it. Am I close? Also, I never once said I'm superior. I'm an equal to everyone. Everyone except trolls who have nothing better to pick on a little girl all day that is. I, and everyone else on earth, am superior to you. You are scum who does not deserve to be called human. You're nothing more than a mere animal who preys on minories.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you attempt to act pompous, queer. I don't like your kind. Gays arent aminority, they're inferiority. Shelbica, be a good faggot and stop breathing, as the only good gay is one not wasting resources due to them being dead. Quit trying to defend your kind. It's like a kiddie raper defending his kind by saying "gotta teach 'em while they're young"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): Ah you poor ignorant fool. No matter what you say you're still nothing but a mere troll. You don't matter. So far you have proven to me that you are useless because you have yet to convince me to kill myself which you are obviously trying to do. If only you could feel the kind of love I feel for my girlfriend would you become a much more pleasant person. Living in hatred must be miserale. I feel sorry for you. You'll never be happy like me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): Ah you poor ignorant fool. No matter what you say you're still nothing but a mere troll. You don't matter. So far you have proven to me that you are useless because you have yet to convince me to kill myself which you are obviously trying to do. If only you could feel the kind of love I feel for my girlfriend would you become a much more pleasant person. Living in hatred must be miserale. I feel sorry for you. You'll never be happy like me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

wait, you're a lesbian?... Are you fat/ugly/mannish in appearance?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

... because if you're any of the above, you're just another useless queer. If you're hot, at least you're potential entertainment value. And if your "girlfriend" is ugly fat or mannish, makes both of you useless queers, since that'd ruin the purpose. And if you have to work so hard to defend your mental defect (your gayness), then you can't possibly be happy. Stupid homosexual.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): You think lesbians are only here for entertainment? You are disgusting.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

hey kawaii... DUH, you stupid witless butt plugger. And not lesbians- only the hot ones. The rest are just wastes of vaginas, among things.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): You're sick.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): Wow... Stupid trolling scum. If you must know, my girlfriend is beautiful. I will not for myself though. And I am happy. I actually get joy out of laughing at your outrageous comments. You think just because you're calling me names I'll be sad? I'm not. Defending people like me is what I live for.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

kawaii... you're useless. Completely useless. Not only are you a gay, but so narrowminded your homosexual and defective brain cells have to travel single-file.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): For your information, I'm not gay. Believe it or not, there are people other than homosexuals that believe in gay rights. This is 2010. Be more openminded, troll.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

kawaii... you're useless. Completely useless. Not only are you a gay, but so narrowminded your homosexual and defective brain cells have to travel single-file.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

kawaii and shelbica, the two of you are as useful to this planet as powdered water... then again, powdered water is more useful than a narrowminded biggoted gay who thinks all faggots are oh so superior to us heterosexuals. You're both showing that queerness is a mental disease that even destroys parts of the brain that can make any logical thought process rather than because of emotionally giggly church of feelings bullshit. Another reason to hate faggots. You two and your breed of same sex screwing degenerates are scumbags.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): I have yet to say homosexuals are superior to heterosexuals. We are equal. However, homosexuals are far superior to trolling bastards like yourself. You say we're useless, but what good have you done for humanity?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I haven't cost millions of dollars and hours of political agenda on whether two faggots can get MARRIED and EQUAL rights when similar rights with different names have been bestowed. Greedy pathetic homosexuals, a god damn plague! And, homosexuals, equal? Nothing I know can seep lower than a being which mentally shuns evolution's most basic principle. How dare you insult mankind by saying faggots are "equal". And, is a faggot's best insult "troll" because your inferior minds are incapable of coming up with something creative?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): That money wouldn't have needed to be spent if bigots like you would realize how wrong you are. And you probably only hate gays because you got ass raped by your secretly homosexual/pedophile father who left your family for a man. Also, if homosexuals are inferior and non human, I suppose they should stop paying taxes. You probably don't want our tainted money anyway.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I haven't cost millions of dollars and hours of political agenda on whether two faggots can get MARRIED and EQUAL rights when similar rights with different names have been bestowed. Greedy pathetic homosexuals, a god damn plague! And, homosexuals, equal? Nothing I know can seep lower than a being which mentally shuns evolution's most basic principle. How dare you insult mankind by saying faggots are "equal". And, is a faggot's best insult "troll" because your inferior minds are incapable of coming up with something creative?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I haven't cost millions of dollars and hours of political agenda on whether two faggots can get MARRIED and EQUAL rights when similar rights with different names have been bestowed. Greedy pathetic homosexuals, a god damn plague! And, homosexuals, equal? Nothing I know can seep lower than a being which mentally shuns evolution's most basic principle. How dare you insult mankind by saying faggots are "equal". And, is a faggot's best insult "troll" because your inferior minds are incapable of coming up with something creative?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I haven't cost millions of dollars and hours of political agenda on whether two faggots can get MARRIED and EQUAL rights when similar rights with different names have been bestowed. Greedy pathetic homosexuals, a god damn plague! And, homosexuals, equal? Nothing I know can seep lower than a being which mentally shuns evolution's most basic principle. How dare you insult mankind by saying faggots are "equal". And, is a faggot's best insult "troll" because your inferior minds are incapable of coming up with something creative?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I haven't cost millions of dollars and hours of political agenda on whether two faggots can get MARRIED and EQUAL rights when similar rights with different names have been bestowed. Greedy pathetic homosexuals, a god damn plague! And, homosexuals, equal? Nothing I know can seep lower than a being which mentally shuns evolution's most basic principle. How dare you insult mankind by saying faggots are "equal". And, is a faggot's best insult "troll" because your inferior minds are incapable of coming up with something creative?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): Similar rights under a different title are not enough. That's similar to race segregation. You ever hear of seperate but equal? That's unconstitutional.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I haven't cost millions of dollars and hours of political agenda on whether two faggots can get MARRIED and EQUAL rights when similar rights with different names have been bestowed. Greedy pathetic homosexuals, a god damn plague! And, homosexuals, equal? Nothing I know can seep lower than a being which mentally shuns evolution's most basic principle. How dare you insult mankind by saying faggots are "equal". And, is a faggot's best insult "troll" because your inferior minds are incapable of coming up with something creative?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): Just how many times are you gonna post that?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This thing keeps reposting, but, never mind that, my statement is still correct. And if anything, faggots should be paying EXTRA in taxes for costing taxpayers so much god damn money. And, look at you, shelbica, still trying to be morally superior... yet you have ways of contradicting yourself. Moron and a homosexual. And if you're so god damn stupid that your next response would be "oh, troll bigot racist, how am i contradicting myself", then you have truly lostyour battle to protect any image of your filthy kind.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): I have not contradicted myself. I am gay. I am a good person. You are straight and you are scum. The only arguement you have used is that you think homosexuality is disgusting. That's called the "ick factor" and doesn't hold firm in any argument. Sorry.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): I have not contradicted myself. I am gay. I am a good person. You are straight and you are scum. The only arguement you have used is that you think homosexuality is disgusting. That's called the "ick factor" and doesn't hold firm in any argument. Sorry.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"ick factor". If all else, you self-absorbed abomination, it's that if everybody were like you, society would crumple and fail due to inactivity and inadequacy. Not to mention die off completely after 50 years when gay sex STDs wipe the last of you rodents out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): Ever hear of sperm donors? Gay people can have children, our genitals aren't broken. Also, straight people get STDs too. They actually get far more STDs than lesbians. Straight people also have anal sex. It's not gay people who get STDs, it's people who have unprotected sex.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

gay's genitals might as well be bottlecaps, the last thing needed are the spawn to your kind. Especially someone as stupid as yourself who only reads what your homosexual mind can comprehend... or chooses to.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): So gay people make gay babies and straight people have straight babies? Yeah, makes perfect since. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make even more of a fool of yourself.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Where did my statement say those words? Take your own advice, you homosexual semi-literate and useless wretch. You are past useless. You're a curse to society and anyone who you've tainted by your presence or existance. Please do this universe a favor and die. It would be greatly appreciated. Even by homosexuals. You're worse than the average faggot. And that's low.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): I'm low? You're the one telling a 17 year old girl to kill herself. Grow up. Be a man. Learn that just because someone isn't like you doesn't mean they're vile creatures. We are all people regardless of sexual orientation, race, sex, religion, etc. You are just a troll making up things as you go until I give up. This will be my last comment to you because I know you're getting a sick satisfaction from arguing with me. What if you were gay? Would you say these things to yourself or would you condemn straight people for being different than you? You're nothing more than an irritation. None of your points are valid. You look like a fool for arguing with a teenager. Goodbye. Shelbica out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Too bad you didn't quit 18 years ago. No, not 17. 18 years ago. Get it? Moron who is also homosexual- that's two bad things. And that "troll" thing. You have no vocabulary. Your mind, being improperly functioning as it can't calculate big person words or the concept of primative functions.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Acrasia, it's faggots like you in particular why homosexuality is punished by execution in many countries. Too bad you don't live in one of them. You're not only a queer, but you're making that shelbica bitch look like she has decent replies, in comparison. So go use a lit stick of tnt as a dildo and make your parents happy for the first time in your pathetic existance.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh my. Why did I even bother reading this? I don't believe I have a mental disease, disorder or birth defect. I am gay, I am me, I am a free person. As a whole, our world should just accept people for who they are. I hope this Brave and Valiant Knight person comes to terms with his wrong thinking. I believe as ignorant as he is, he is still a person and should just be ignored purely because he'll eventually realize how pathetic his thinking is. How far do you think you'll go in life thinking that way? And why should you think differently about a 'hot' lesbian rather then a 'fat, ugly or mannish' lesbian. They are no different as people, just because you approve of their looks doesn't make any point you've put forward legitimate. Have some respect for human beings! And we are not going to be Anthropomorphised because of how you treat US. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago