+146 It's always kind of sad when you look at someone's Facebook profile and under books they say "I don't read" or "None", amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

or "I can't read"

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Some people don't like reading just like some people don't like to watch TV or go jogging or play football or draw or write or whatever. They don't find it entertaining. And who are you to judge them for not liking it? It's about your preference. And if they said, "I don't watch TV," you probably wouldn't care or you'd say "Lucky!" TV can offer just as much as a book can. We've put books on such a pedestal now that people ignore that you actually stimulate your brain more from being online than from reading a book, and that you can receive a lesser, equal, or greater entertainment value from something such as a television or song. Books aren't more special, or less special. I mean it's not like you read "All About Physics and Mathematics: The Complete Series" or something. You probably read Harry Potter, the Hunger Games, those kinda stuff. You know, entertaining books. The same kind of entertainment that you can get from music and TV and sports. "But I do read educational books!" And I watch educational documentaries. Does that make me less smart because it's not a book? This just irks me.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

All solid points. Honestly, I just can't focus on a book. I can spend hours reading wikipedia articles, but when I try to read a novel (which I only ever do for school now) after 15 minutes I need a break.

by Anonymous 11 years ago