+273 Why is the ideas that Greek mythology held any less believable than those in which have become the dominant in society today? amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It would be really awesome if that religion was still alive.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

haha i also have the post about religion being for comfort that you commented on! It's very true though :) I think that id I was going to chose something to believe in, it would be the darwin theory, or ideas based around that simply because I like the idea that it's more realistic and scientific, where as God and such figures seem more fantasy

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

The dominant religions (Islam, Christianity mainly) have a historical basis. True or not, the claim is that Jesus, Mohammed, Abraham, whoever was LITERALLY real, and existed as a legitimate, tangible historic figure. Religions such as the Roman and Greek Pantheon don't have this claim, so lost out heavily to sciences, rationalisations.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

but why do people think that history can back up that these people were in fact LITERALLY real. I think that because other religions date back further, their is no way of knowing that there was not once "evidence" these figures were real. I don't agree with either, I think religion is purely comfort, but I don't understand what made the dominant religions what they are today.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Do you mean, what made the religions that are dominant today dominant today? In which case, the answer is Empire. If you mean what shaped them, then thats a harder question.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

If I may interject, Dipple is right - Jesus was a real person who did exist, and many records, not just religious ones, confirm this (and I think both the Torah and Koran mention him). Same with Mohammed and Abraham - both real men. The religious quandary is whether Jesus was Christ, the son of God, or whether he was a religious prophet, or whether he was a normal, albeit very wise, mortal man.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Also, the ancient gods were cruel and had many human characteristics (i.e they were greedy and jealous, petty and rude.. etc) In comparison to the God of monotheistic religions, who loves all, wants the best for you, gives chances..etc. Between worshiping God to please him or thank him, rather then to not piss him off or be killed by him, they just seemed more pleasant

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"I'll slaughter thousands of little boys to punish one man, scare the crap out of another guy by almost making him kill his son to see if he likes me, oh, and if they don't worship me, I'll torture them in hell forever." SO LOVING, AMIRITE?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So loving I loved this comment.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I like the fact that you use the word, "think" People think, You think. Humanistic Opinions. Venturing without authority. No proof. No experience... Go see Amos 3:7 in the King James Version and start investigating it yourself. Stop assuming.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

my swim coach believes in Greek mythology :3

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What is the emoticon supposed to be? A guy with balls in his mouth? A walrus?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's supposed to be a curved smile, or a kitty face. xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i wish. its more sensible IMO, god has a reason to have emotion and the unexplained could be zeus coming to earth for whatever reason as opposed to a "miracle"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because Zeus had baby's from Odd places... Like his leg and his head... Plus, he's a guy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It might have a little bit to do with the fact that they believed that the sun was really a god on a chariot who rode across the sky with his horses. Or that they believed that people are made out of Iron. Or maybe the whole Medusa's existence thing.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Greek mythology was meant to explain the way the world was created, and how it works. Many of the myths were detailed explanations of phenomena (in ways that have been disproved by science), as opposed to Christianity, whose creation story is highly vague and was probably thrown together in 5 minutes just so they could say they have one. Also, the Greek myths weren't about moral codes or golden rules, or if they were, they weren't very good ones. The gods were imperfect, unjust, and most of them barely created anything. They only ruled because people were afraid of being hit by lightning, not because there was some idea of being loved or watched over by a benevolent deity. Lastly, the people who wrote the New Testament of the Bible were not in a very good position to create a new religion just for fun. The person who created Christianity was sentenced to death. If everyone still decided to spread this religion, it wasn't just to troll gay people for hundreds of years. The Greek beliefs weren't written under such circumstances, and nobody could possibly have witnessed them. I'm sure a similar argument could be made for any modern religion.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Same for Norse, Egyptian, and every spirit(s) and god(s) that various groups and tribes of humans trough out the years have believed in. Those are all outdated bullshit stories and so are the dominant religions of today.

by Anonymous 11 years ago