+65 It's annoying when teenagers think they have a rougher life than most adults, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i'm a teenager and I agree!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You know, in a lot of cases, they kind of do... Hormones are running high, emotions are out of control, most have no idea what is going to happen to them in the near future, how they're going to pay for college, where they're going to live. They have to deal with so much uncertainty. Even when it comes to who they are, what they believe in and what they value. They have a lot to figure out, and they have to do it on their own. They have to try to balance growing up and figuring out their own lives with respecting their parents who often have a hard time letting them go. Now I'm 22 and done with college. I realize that everything just doesn't go away once you turn 20. But usually the inner turmoil slows a bit as your brain evens out, the acne goes away, the braces come off, self-esteem rises. And for most adults, once you go home from your job, you're done till tomorrow. Teens, they get home from school, and they still have to do homework, and maybe a job too. I sure don't miss it.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Some do, and some don't. It all depends on what your point of reference is. For example, my dad is in a pretty bad work situation right now. He stays at work late, he takes his work home, barely has time for my mom. That doesn't even include the fact that he is a good man and wants to spend time with his children, even though it means staying up later that night to finish his work. He normally works all weekend to meet unreasonable deadlines and everyone is too busy covering their own ass to work together. Compared to him, my life is a breeze. Yeah, I have school, homework, friends, a girl, but I still get my downtime. I also always have weekends. On the other hand, some adults have very leisurely lives doing work they love. You can just make a blanket statement when the situation involves so many variables.

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

I don't agree with this at all. Some teenagers are expected to do quite a bit more than adults. Depending on your job, it's over as soon as you leave the office... a teenager? Not so much. There's going to be papers, homework, and a lot of the time they are going to have a job in there to. I know when I was in high school it was 7:20-2:16 school then work 3-7 for most days. By the time I got home I had maybe two Italian work sheets to do, pages to read in English, math homework, etc. I'd be so tired it would end up reflecting in my work, then i'd hear shit from teachers. "You have to study, why don't you care about this or that blah blah." Not to mention I had an abusive father, so constant fighting where i'd just want to go to sleep and i'd end up with nothing done and my teachers didn't care and they would hound me more. I find my adult life quite a bit easier.

by Anonymous 14 years ago