+467 If your parents only knew what went on at school and how much cussing, drugs, and sex there was, you would probably be homeschooled, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, because hopefully they trust you enough to know you're not stupid enough to do those things.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

True but ill watch a movie an it will have cussing in it and my mom will be like i dont want u watching movies like that and ill just think in my head "oh mother if only u knew howuch cussing goes on at school u would probably have a heart attack or something" lol

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well there's a difference between having control of your environment and learning to ignore what goes on when you have no control. You have control to not watch the movie, you don't have control over people around you cursing. It's all a matter of who you choose to be around and what you choose to hear.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

That is very true. I was just saying how much my parents are naive about what goes on at school. And it is difficult to find movies nowadays without cursing in it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

parents were kids once too, and drugs and swear-words didn't magically appear this generation...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Am I the only one who thinks the average day of high school really isn't that much worse than most PG-13 movies?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

might as well expose you to it now so you aren't shellshocked when you get to the real world

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Most of our parents went to public school. Contrary to popular belief, drugs/cussing/sex have been a norm at many public high schools since even before some of our parents' time. Trust me, they know.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not just at public school. I went to private school, and it was just as bad, only when people got caught their parents just donated a chunk of money to the school and all was forgotten.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ah, I see. I never went to private school and never really hung out with anyone who did. But that is interesting to hear.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A lot of people are surprised when they find out it's exactly like public school, but a little bit nicer and with a large price tag. At least, that's how my school was. In my four years of high school, we had sex, drugs, cussing, 2 expulsions, "suspensions," and one reported fight. Compared to public schools, that's nothing, but that's just stuff that went on the record.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

ha, I plan on being the type of parent who doesn't care if my child curses, and in fact I'd be much more proud of them if they called me drunk asking for a ride home, than being too scared of a parent grounding them and then driving drunk and killing themselves. Kids are going to do that stuff, it's the price tag of growing up. I know this and hopefully when I have kids I'll remember that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I go to a school overseas and there is nine kids in the high school (It's K-12) so not a lot of that kind of stuff happens here. I mean yeah cussing happens of course and two of the guys do drugs but there isn't people making out in every corner of the school

by Anonymous 13 years ago