+268 they have millions of dollars for war, but they can't feed the poor, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

4000 children die per hour from starvation, but millions of dollars are being spent on bombs.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

1% of the money that the world spends on weapons could pay for every child in the world to go to school. Not even kidding, it's a true fact

by Anonymous 14 years ago

what we really should be doing is doing the same hing we do for the donations to haiti and stuff. i mean, if we can honestly make that much for OTHER countries... why dont we try to change our debt? donate it to us for the express purpose of lowering debt... it just makes sense....

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Your all morons and I hope you will not lead this nation some day.... We use this money on war so that we don't all end up getting killed. And that 1% thing is total BS.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You do realize that most of the richer nations around the world give billions of dollars a year to the 3rd world countries? Such as... Haiti gets BILLIONS of dollars per year. If HAITI'S corrupt government gave their people all of this money, there would be around a million dollars per Haitian. And war is definitely necessary at times. There are some people that won't go out without a physical fight. Such as... some people in the Middle East would lose their lives just to see an American die. And you're telling me that war is so bad? It has saved your life. A lot.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

okay who said I said war was bad? I just think if we can come up with millions for war then we can for poor

by Anonymous 14 years ago