+117 The sound of an alarm going off is one of the worst sounds in the world, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

My alarm is a radio station :P but before that I had that standard sound alarm clock..I hope you know what I'm talking about. Sometimes I see it on TV or in a movie, and I always twitch and feel irritated when I hear it.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I have 2, one is the standard sound and one is bot the radio and evil happiness killer. I still don't wake up to them though

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Here is how my old alarm clock went: 1. Bought it, brought it home and set it up. 2. Woke up abruptly the next morning to a shrill, ear piercing sound that made my heart rate shoot way up and, actually, my heart fluttered. 3. Immediately (and I mean RIGHT as the thing went off) yanked it out of the socket and threw it at the wall. It was my natural reaction or something.... but basically this happened within, I'd say, no more than 3 seconds. :s I thought I was going to have a heart attack, no joke.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I thought this was about fire alarms at first

by Anonymous 12 years ago