+176 It's annoying when someone who doesn't even do a sport says that your sport isn't really a sport. amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

MARCHING BAND. most unappreciated sport ever.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

yes you have to walk and play, but I kinda hope that most of the world would learn to do that like anything else. Sports involve a lot of physical activity and sweat. I don't think marching band would be too much more difficult than regular band. I tried it once. I quit because I thought it was boring, and now I play violin. I admit it isn't super easy, but its not a sport

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well, what sport are u talking about OP? cuz I agree. Boys who play lacrosse think girls lacrosse is pathetic. I'd like to see them play a girls team with girls rules. puhleeeeeease

by Anonymous 14 years ago