+574 it makes you mad how the taxes collected from hard working Americans are wasted on supporting others who are too lazy to work, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

or ones who just buy useless electronics because they're getting too much money.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, it makes me mad that America are so ignorant that apparently they think this only happens in America.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Nowhere in the post did he say it only happens in America. Ironically, you're the one who's being close-minded by believing everything has to be tied in with your country.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

He implied that it applies only to Americans by specifying that it was about Americans. He could have just as easily said hardworking people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Umm, no I wasn't. I know that the world isn't just America, and that this happens everywhere. But it DOES happen in America, which is where it affects me

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How the fuck is that ironic? I called him ignorant. My closed-mindedness, or lack thereof, was in no way ironic.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Dude... He's American. Maybe he doesn't know, or care, what happens to taxes in your country.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

HEY, did you ever stop to think that they are hard working, maybe even have a harder job than your cushy one, but don't get the proper benefits and salary that they deserve? Why do you automatically assume that they are lazy, no-good freeloaders? You don't know their situation. And it is so rude to pile everyone together that receives tax benefits as "too lazy to work." Ignorant people like you disgust me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well then they wouldn't really fall under the category of "too lazy to work," would they?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't think that they meant that everyone that receives tax benefits is too lazy. I think that they just meant that there are some people out there that are. I'd be happy to help those who need the help and are trying their best, but I voted yes because I know that there are some people who don't deserve it, and the ones who actually are lazy are frustrating to me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I"m talking ABOUT the freeloaders. I didn't say anything about other cases of people uses tax money

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It makes me angry when ignorant kids regurgitate political stuff they hear from their parents and Fox News without having any understanding of the things they're criticizing.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I watch Fox and listen to my parents, but I know that some people actually do try to get jobs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It makes me mad when some rich white kid who is probably working at his mom or dads work, or even just getting money from them, get angry at people who are more qualified, and harder working than him, that just got fucked my the job market. Stop watching Fox or CNN, and start watching BBC to see what is actually going on in America.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why are you judging me? I am not rich, I work hard to pay for tuition. And I am not biased towards only one news network as you seem to be. I understand America just fine

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Then how do you not understand that taxes are at an all time low, the golden age of the economy was when the rich were being taxed 65%, not this 30% bullshit now, no one can get a job, its going to go for a double dip in the recession, and if you understand america so fine, why don't you fix it, because Washington is just trying to get people to stop hating them. And I really hope you can find a job getting out of college, because the way it looks right now, only 70% of out of college students will have a job, and only 25% of those 70% will have enough starting salary from that job to make a good life. And, if you don't, try not being on welfare.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

^^^Ignore that, just read my post at the bottom.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Late post, but isn't BBC British?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It does irritate me that the MAJORITY of people collectong unemployment or welfare really are just lazy piece of shit people who aren't even trying to better their situation. But there is still that MINORITY of people who need these services and are not just taking advantage of the system.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And where are you getting these facts from? It irritates ME when people make assumptions about an entire population of people based on the poor choices of the few they've encountered.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with ^. There is absolutely no back bone to your argument. Who the hell said the majority of the people receiving the benefits are lazy? I actually believe it to be the other way around, but that's just my THOUGHT. No facts, just what I think. Don't try to make up facts.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

For most people, it's not that they're too lazy to work, it's that there are no jobs. And if we end their unemployment benefits it will probably be like the Great Depression all over again with people cooking rats over fires and having to stealing food.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Some people do actually try to get jobs and can't find one, but many don't. I mostly agree, but don't generalize :/

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The reason people aren't finding jobs is because they think they're too good to work at Wal-Mart, McDonald's, or Taco Bell.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I already said it above, but I just thought I'd say it again: I think this post is referring to people who are too lazy to work, not ALL people on Welfare. I don't think many people would support people who don't want to work for themselves *at all*.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No. What makes me angry is people like you assuming that everyone on welfare is lazy. Some can't help. Maybe they can't find a job. Or circumstances too horrible to think of won't let them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Let me say this again, and regurgitate what SalientK said. This post is about the freeloaders, NOT everyone else. It is not generalizing, it is making a specific point

by Anonymous 13 years ago

As people above have stated, not everyone on welfare is a lazy piece of crap. I have relatives on welfare. For instance, I have an aunt with a severe learning disability (her mother drank while she was pregnant), she has a son with cerebal palsy, and another young son. The son with cerebal palsy is constantly having to head into the hospital for one surgery or another, and even if he goes to school, the second he sneezes, they send him straight home. Therefore, whether she has a job or not, she's not ABLE to keep a full-time job. She CAN'T support her children. She HAS to live on welfare, and have her family help her take care of her children. And NO it's not her fault she has two kids and is single. Her boyfriends and fiancees keep leaving her. And no, she's not 24. She's in her 30's. She's not an irresponsible idiot. And just so you know--they're the MAJORITY of people on welfare. There are only a small few who REFUSE to get a job. Everyone else just needs HELP. So stop whining.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And one last thing that I couldn't fit into my previous comment-- Because of her learning disability (worse than dyslexia or ADD, or anything else that's manageable), she's not able to get a job with an amazing salary. She has to settle for the average jobs that are almost always hiring. And she keeps having to quit so that she can take care of her kids--mainly, the one with cerebal palsy who needs someone there with him 24/7. It's not easy. And it's not her fault.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

WIN. Well, I'm sorry about your aunt, but you put that jerk in his place.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This "jerk" as you oh so elegantly refered to him, was specifically commenting on the freeloaders of our system - Not those who truly deserve help. No one begrudges those in our country who deserve and need help, but plenty of us are sick of barely etching out a living with a paycheck that should be plenty, but isn't because our taxes keep increasing to pay for those who *refuse* to find a job and work for a living, even though they are plenty able. Read the post before you flip.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

thanks =)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No problem. Sometimes people just refuse to look at facts, or a whole post.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

oh please stop whining about taxes. They haven't been raised, in fact theyre at a low point.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'll stop whining about taxes when we stop getting screwed over. Every year to pay the taxes that our wonderful government deems we should pay, we have to pull out of my father's retirement fund - which is then taxed again, prompting a vicious cycle where we are screwed over year after year. Furthermore, as we have to use the retirement fund to pay the taxes, I government then decides that I must be able to afford my education myself, and wants us to contribute almost $20,000 before I can look for help from them - my family doesn't even make that much a year. Damn shame I can't get help from the government - oh right, I work to hard to qualify for help because I refuse to just sit and accept handouts.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yeah i don't see why people keep commenting on this talking about the people who actually do need the help. He was talking about the people who refuse to get a job. i don't get why people have to be such idiots all the time

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Before anyone makes any more comments about the people freeloading on the system, which I did (my bad). I will say one last thing. Our welfare is a piece of shit, my cousin, who got fired from his workplace, if making more money on welfare than he was on the job. Plus he gets to spend all his time with his kids. Other countries welfare systems give less money, but HELP you get back on your feet. They literally have job programs with thousands of openings for people who are in need of it. The real problem is that everyone thinks the ''trickle down'' theory actually works, when it just puts more money into the rich peoples hangs, WHO, are not being taxed the correct amount. The golden age of america's economy, was when the rich were being taxed 65%.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Everyone keeps saying the same thing on here, so to recap: JoeLarson (the poster) was only talking about the very small percentage of freeloaders who live on welfare because they don't want to get a job. And let me restate that that is a Very Small Percentage of people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Brandii... Actually, it is her fault. Not that she can't get a high-paying job, but that she can't hold down a decent one. If she had been more responsible and not gotten pregnant before getting married, then she would be fine. Without kids, she'd be able to keep a decent job and live fine. Instead, she slept around, and screwed herself over. Perfect example why you should save it for marriage. Without kids, or having child support from a divorced husband, most everyone can get by.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's def not true. I know plenty of people married with kids, or single without kids, or divorced with kids and getting child support who are still not making it 'just fine'. Having sex before marriage is not irresponsible and its so ignorant to assume so. There's also so many people that are being laid off not because of their own fault just because of the economy. Rude fuck.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd respect you a lot more if you didn't claim to know "a lot" of people in the severe minority of people. I wish people like you didn't lie like such. And I said "most people," not everyone. And in this instance, Brandiii's aunt would be perfectly fine without kids. It is irresponsible to get pregnant before marriage, and you're a slut if you disagree.

by Anonymous 13 years ago