+168 When you pictured Iceland, you would never have pictured it covered in greenery. amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I thought eskimos ran around with polar bears.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I still don't know why they were called the exact oppisite of what they are...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It's because the vikings discovered Iceland, and it was nice and green and crap, and they didn't want other people to come and steal their land, so they called it the opposite of what it was to kinda scare people off. lol. And they called Greenland 'green' because it was covered in ice, and they wanted other people to come share their misery =P So they named it Greenland to lure people to the island. Probably one of the only things I remember learning in like 1st grade =P

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I feel like the only kid who didn't get taught history until 5th grade...

by Anonymous 14 years ago