+213 The only people that realize how lucky they are, are the people that have so little, because they are the ones who realize that happiness cannot be brought in form of material things, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A secure home and future can be bought, and that would make it a lot easier to be happy.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

MW3 can be bought, and it makes me super happy.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Actually i feel like a ass whenever i go back and think of how sad i always was, i have a 900$ mac mini,Great friends a iPod touch,I phone PS3 Xbox Wii nintendo 64 My own room and live in a great neighborhood!yet a few years back i was always sad and gloomy,But since I've started started a new School year(9th) and stated dating my amazing girlfriend who has so little,She doesn't have a phone,she lives on the poor dumpy part of town,she have a really old half broken Gameboy,Her comp is a piece of garbage. yet she is the happiest person i know!Ive just become so much happier and I'm in true awe of just how amazing she is to have so little yet make so much from it...I love her so much...Ill be devastated if we ever split but ill hold the fact we were ever even together close to my heart...Im sort i have to go listen to Beatles music now while i obsess over her some more =)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Sweet saga, yo.

by Anonymous 12 years ago