-281 We shouldn't really give poor people our money, because it's their fault their poor, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is a tricky topic. Sometimes, it's their fault, but sometimes, there's just nothing they could've done. No example for the latter right now.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I'm not saying that we shouldn't give them money, it's just that we earned it, and just because they're too lazy to get an education and a job doesn't mean we should give them our money just because we feel bad for them. They should go out and get some themselves. But if they have something mentally wrong with them, that's another story.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

but what about those who had a job but got fired b/c of the economy? not all poor people are lazy and uneducated.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Like I said not all of it is the person's fault. Just if they're poor because they're lazy, then we shouldn't give them money. That's all I was saying.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

How would you know if they were lazy? Are you going to ask them if they are lazy and step over them if they say they are? That's pretty cold isn't it? You don't really know what goes on in people's lives. I personally think poor people need guidance in the right direction. It would be wrong to play "Santa Claus" and choose who deserves more. To be honest, you never know what will happen in your life so you should be kind to everyone.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Ok you know what nevermind ok just forget i ever made this post!!

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is an awful generalization. Really. Not all poor people can control how much money they have, and if they could they wouldn't be poor. And saying they're all lazy is just ignorant and naive. And by the way, there are differences between there, they're, and their. Learn them, oh so educated one.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Ok please stop with that I happen to know the difference between "their" "they're" and "there" but maybe I just wasn't paying attention. It was wrong for me to say this I was just thinking about the poor people who are poor because they don't have an education. I wasn't thinking about the ones who are mentally challenged, or got laid off, or have financial problems. So it wa wrong of me to post this post. Now please lay off!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

If you get fired for mixing up there, their, and they're because they think you're uneducated, even though you actually aren't, wouldn't you want us to help you? You're saying it was a stupid post because you're getting negative feedback, but do you actually see what's wrong with it? :|

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Being poor IS a financial problem... But not everyone can afford an education to begin with, so piss off.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I bet you're one of those Facebook girls who deletes a status if no one likes it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know you didn't mean it the way it came out, but I think "lazy and unwilling" would have been a better substitute for "poor" in this case. Because in that case I might agree with you. Sorry you're getting so much crap for this post despite having explained yourself.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Thank you :)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

They should make it where to get your welfare check you have to do service hours.(disability welfare claims would be exempt from this Seeing that they have no way of being able to work)Such as cleaning or becoming an apprentice so that way they are technically working for their welfare check and if they get good enough at a trade they will be able to start their own business and not have to rely on the government system anymore

by Anonymous 12 years ago

We shouldn't give poor people our money, but it's not because it's their fault that they're poor.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is completely unfair, because some children are born into poor homes and grow up like that, because of their previous position. Some people lose their jobs in this economy. We never truly know what is going on in the brain of another person. You never know what could happen, so you must show gracefulness and kindness in any situation.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is so superficial!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You have no clue, you pompous, entitled brat. I wish you had to go one month trying to figure how to eat and keep a roof over your pathetic head.you speak as someone completely sheltered and naive. Wake up and stop blaming the victims. Furthermore, Einstein, education won't save you anymore. I know many degree holding people looking for work

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is what happens when you post a debatable topic on amirite. So don't do that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Although there are many levels of poor i still consider myself to be in that category. My mother didn't receive an education because my granfather told her women don't need it. School won't teach you how to be a good wife and mother. Then he made her get a job to help the family. When she married my fatjer she relied on him financially, and when they separated we suffered. We went from having a mother at home to hardly ever seeing her because she worked 3 jobs that paid minimum wage. Even with 3 jobs we were poor. All my life i saw my mother struggle to make ends meet nd that inspired mebto try my best in school. Now I'm a full time college student, but my mother needs help. I rely on fafsa for school but i want to help her but no one will hire me. I dont believe this was my mothers fault in any way. Nd i admit that at some point we did rely on welfare to survive. Shit happens. Tl;dr whatevs.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The second "their" should be "they're" :P

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Here's a personal story. My mother was a really successful chemist and we were on our way to becoming in the upper middle class, as my parents first arrived in America with nothing like 15 years ago. Then, she abruptly passed away when I was 11 and my sister was 4. My father worked but after this his business started to really decline. Right now my sister, dad, and I are living comfortably in an apartment, but we rely on social security, along with my dad's income. Without SS, we'd probably be homeless. This is not to gain sympathy but to just open some eyes to the circumstances some people are in. Not all people who rely on gov't money are lazy.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No matter what the circumstances are that led them to being poor it's about being kind and compassionate to those less fortunate. You could assume that every poor person was a crackhead and that's how they lost all their money and I could assume they were homeless from a very early age. Truth is well never know, assumptions get us no where. I ll always help when I can in the hopes that whatever change in my pocket could buy someone a hamburger.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Apparently OP has never heard of third world countries. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the average person receives $300 year to survive on. I highly doubt that it's because the entire population of the country is just too lazy to try and keep themselves alive.

by Anonymous 12 years ago