+155 Why do they have to cover up Louis' hair in Meet the Robinsons? Do they not have blonde hair dye in the future? amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No but not many people have bleach blond hair that sticks straight up into the sky, and never goes down.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I do believe that is a fail

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Is that all you can criticize? 1. The whole movie isa gigantic time paradox. 2. IF we pretend it's possible to change time, when Bowler Hat Guy made Lewis's son cease to have been born, how did he manage to exist for 13 years and then turn into smoke? 3. In the original timeline (before Bowler Hat Guy messed everything up) Lewis would have won the Inventco thing and then gone looking for his mother instead of getting adopted by the Robinsons, and the whole future never would have existed. 4. Why did Lewis offer to adopt Bowler Hat Guy at the end if he was just going to override the timeline anyway? 5. Why didn't Lewis's son just tell him the truth? It would have made the whole movie so much simpler. Movies would suck if they were all realistic.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It was because Lewis had the fucking family cowlick

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Exactly. Apparently nobody else can read between the lines xD THEY WOULD HAVE RECOGNIZED HIM.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Could they not recognize his face if that’s the argument??? Because the reason the hair thing confused me was why would THAT be the only determining factor of who he is , he looks just like him we can read between the lines . Also the mom has the same cow lick so it’s not like it all comes from Lewis

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Wouldn't it be black hair dye, because he already has blonde hair?

by Anonymous 12 years ago