+485 The world would be a lot more peaceful if people just kept their religion to themselves. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah but the afterlife wouldn't be fun

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And then there are the people who don't believe in one...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You don't realize how important religion can be to someone, do you?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No. Really. Have you seen a very religious person? God is literally, EVERYTHING, to them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Peaceful? No. People would still do bad things, regardless of whether religion was in the picture. And the fact that people would not be spreading Light would actually be more likely to increase the rate of crime, depression, and killing. Those without hope for the after life would have nowhere to turn but to satsifying their material and physical desires. Not only that. But why would someone keep Truth to themselves if they had it?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Note that the OP used peaceful in comparitive terms, not absolute terms. And your "Light" is another's darkness, and when you try to darken their world, they get pissed. If people don't believe in invisible men in the sky, they "would have nowhere to turn but to satsifying their material and physical desires"? Really? The laws would mean nothing and people would have no sense of individual morality? As for your "Truth" again, your truth is another's lie, and telling them otherwise, particularly after they tell you that they aren't interested, pissesthem off.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

think of it the other way around. 'One man's trash is another man's treasure', per-say. it's not so much light and darkness as people simply not having the same perspectives on life. and its not that people would have no morality, its that theres nothing to really drive the kind of morality which I know drives purplekneesox.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Repeating what I just wrote doesn't constitute a counter argument. And if someone is going to be that blinded by their religious morality, perhaps it would be better to take religion out of the equation.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Truth is not relative, truth is truth, whether or not people believe it. And, it times of need, there are people who find the Truth and it sets them onto a better way of life. "If people don't believe in invisible men in the sky, they "would have nowhere to turn but to satsifying their material and physical desires"? " What I'm saying is that, regardless of whether it is the Truth or not, religion is something that people live for, if they truly believe it. People without that often have no sense of what happens in the afterlife, and no idea of how to change it; therefore, they have nothing to live for. So the statement stands, why not live for yourself? It's not that people wouldn't have morals without religion, it's that without purpose, the darkest times in a person's life become even darker. I'm not saying that what I believe to be Truth is going to be believed by everyone. I love how I actually never said that, and yet you are pinning that on me as if I did.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Agreed. Truth is absolute. You suggest religion as the "Truth." While many people may believe that, it doesn't mean that religion is the absolute "Truth." So, your sentence should say, "there are people who find religion and it sets them onto a better way of life." People without religion likely don't believe in an "afterlife" or don't much care. That doesn't mean that they have nothing to live for. That means that they recognize that their time is limited, and that they must make the best of it while they can. To answer, because it may harm others on earth. Religion isn't needed to provide morality necessarily, and communities can be brought together through other means, as well. The purpose is the here, the now, the people around you, and the future ahead. No religion necessary. As for your final point, I have no idea what you're talking about. I never suggested that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What I meant when I said "nothing to live for" is that a lot of people, at some point, come to a time in their life when it feels that they have nothing left. And, in this world, they may not. People who truly believe in God and/or an afterlife have that to lean on, no matter what the circumstances, because those who believe in God generally believe that he is a powerful, undefeatable being that will be there for them regardless of everything they lose on earth. I don't mean to say that people who don't have a specific religion can't have morals or help others in need. The fact of the matter is, though, that regardless of how firmly a person may believe against religion, when faced with death, a person will always be crying out to some sort of God. Everyone, on some level, cares about what becomes of their soul in the afterlife (even if they don't believe in the existence of an afterlife).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd like to see some sources here. It's a fact that near-dead people always cry to a god? Prove it. And everyone, even the people that don't believe in an afterlife, care what happens to them in an afterlife? Please, tell me how this makes sense.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't believe I will ever be able to fully prove that to you until you have a near death experience. Everyone worries on some level about what will happen to them after they die; whether they believe there is a second life, or that they simply rot in the ground. It affects how they live, and you can't honestly tell me you think that people who claim to believe the latter have never supposed that there might be life after death, and if so, what might happen if there was and they had never believed it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So...you make a claim, and then can't actually provide any evidence. Sounds good. If they've considered it and believe that it doesn't exist, why, at that point, would they care, regardless of past beliefs?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

who said that was a counter argument? the blindness which we speak of involves losing vision or sight of what's important to a person. religion gives a person a new PERSPECTIVE, which involves a new kind of vision. pardon the caps, but thats really the only way one can emphasize well, would you accept the answer that 'it's relative'? because being able to provide an answer relates to whether or not you've put in a position of agony before past beliefs dont matter. its more of a sown seed of doubt. a person may believe something solidly, but there is always the possibility that what they believe is not true. in any case, to doubt is indicative of a healthy, inquisitive mind

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not all that is instinctive in humans is tangible and provable. The point I'm trying to make is that all people have doubts, concerns, and/or worries at some point about the afterlife. In their past and in their future, if not in the present. That's quite obvious.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I just wanted to comment this, and state it clearly: I do not care for what which happens to me after death. I never have, and never will. I do, on the contrary, care about that which happens to the IDEA of me. That meaning; what people thinks of the person whom I was, what kind of view they will have of the life that I led. That's not saying that when I am dead, I believe that I will still be able to conceive that purpose or idea of life - when I'm dead, I'll be dead and the me that I now know will unquestionably be gone. But I live now, and I care for these goals now, because I'm still alive and I have the ability to appreciate an idea. If this slips between some peoples narrowed way of life, then they are idiots.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm sorry, I didn't know trying to save my friends my suicide, helping people in their time of need, and trying to make sure everybody knows they're not alone in bad situations was "satsifying my material and physical desires," just because I'm an atheist! Oh, dear me, I must stop myself immediately.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Again, love how I never said anything about the Truth being solely within my religion or yours, though that is what I believe. Athiesm is a religion, whether or not you believe it; the structured belief that there is no God. Athiests, in my experience, at least, tend to lean on a scientific religion of tangibility and such. Though there is no hope in your religion for the afterlife, from what I understand, I'd love it if you would show me where I stated that athiesm could not be the truth.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

FUCKING. RETARD. Let me get the DAMN dictionary definition of a religion for you. "a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny" Yes, oh yes, WE'RE DEFINITELY A FUCKING RELIGION. Whether YOU like it or not we're not a religion and you're fucking retarded for not opening a dictionary to prove your damn point. Also, you don't know what the hell "truth" is. Until you provide evidence, you know what your shitty religion is? A theory. Oh, and before you bring up, "But atheism isn't truth either so why do you believe in it lol", atheism could also be considered a theory. It's just the most logical theory in my opinion. YES, opinion, not truth, opinion. My damn opinion, something that you confuse truth with apparently.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually: re·li·gion   /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ –noun 1.a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. I love how you have to curse so much in order to feel like your point is being made. Because, to be honest, it doesn't make you sound intelligent.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"LOL U SAYIN BAD WERDZ DAT MAYKS U UNSMERT." Somebody always brings that up. That's just a pussy move in my opinion because I don't give a damn if I curse while arguing. It's what I do, and if you don't like it shut your goddamn yap and continue on with your fucking day. Also, that definition doesn't apply to atheism either. "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp." Well, that's not what atheism is set on at all. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in deities. NO, we don't worship Einstein or consider Darwin as a god, and not all atheists are evolutionists so shut it. "when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies" Nope, we disbelieve is such nonsense. "usually involving devotional and ritual observances" Atheists don't do rituals. It's not even set on rituals. Dammit, there's not even a holy book for atheism! "and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs"... (cont.)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

... (cont.) Well, atheists don't have a set moral guideline to tell us what the fuck we should do. "Oh no, that man is a homosexual! I should look at my Bible for help." Instead, "Oh no, that man is a homosexual! I should gather my own opinion about homosexuality instead of using one already made which is completely unoriginal and it seems sheep-like." Both our definitions have nothing to do with atheism.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

'sheep like' means to be guided by a shepherd as a flock, yes? languages continually evolve, new words introduced and old words revised, although the basic and official structure and words are rarely changed when a person says 'religion', the definition which occurs to others is of a set of beliefs which people follow. atheism is a set of one, that one being the disbelief in a sovereign deity. this is the basis of the consideration that atheism is a religion. its a simpler and broader classification, per-say.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I can understand that, but until the day atheism is officially considered a religion, it's up the atheists to decide whether or not to meet weekly, or make their holy book, or actually follow something in common. Until then, it's not a religion. Those who think it is need to broaden their minds. When I say sheep-like, I mean they follow the crowd.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I mentioned your cursing because, in an *intelligent* debate, it makes it seem as if you feel that cursing will make people believe your point. So, how about you put the potty mouth away and say something that sounds intelligent? Don't you know better words to describe your feelings with...? The key words in my argument are "usually" and "often". Religions do not have to contain such things to be considered a religion. Like Qorbyn said; athiesm is a set of beliefs (generally relying on scientology), the structured disbelief in God.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm sorry, where are the official laws of intelligent debating skills? As long as I state my point in a way you can understand it I'm doing just fucking fine. Besides, I like cursing. It's fun, and gets any tension or anger out. I can still get my point across, can't I? Oh, I can? Then shut it. But if that's the case then the definition still has nothing to do with atheism. "Usually" and "often" do not mean "count everything else too", it just means most of the time. Atheism could be taken as a religion and adopted to a person so they use it religiously. Frankly I find those atheists absurd because they're pretty much being a little hypocritical if I may say so, but me? What do I follow? "There is no god." That's what I follow. But no, every other action I do HAS to be a religious action. I can't eat something if it doesn't go according to the Lord, Darwin. I can't be mean if our savior Albert Einstein disapproves of it. AND ALSO WHAT THE FUCK IS... (cont.)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(cont.) ... THIS SCIENTOLOGY SHIT!?!? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK SCIENTOLOGY IS!?! IT'S A CULT. A FUCKING CULT. THAT'S WHAT THAT SHIT IS. IT'S HARDLY A RELIGION, IT'S NOT EVEN ATHEISM!!!!! Now you're REALLY fucking retarded. Mixing SCIEN-FUCKING-TOLOGY with ATHEISM!!? You must really think low atheists to even compare them REMOTELY. Scientology is the WORST piece of shit out there imaginable. Christ, they fucking kill people... You stupid piece of shit.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The cursing makes it hard to take you seriously, seeing as you obviously can't get your point across without using that kind of language. Wow, name-calling? I got done using that in 3rd grade. Scientology is generally what most athiests lean on as far as how to explain the earth and occurences on earth, if you haven't done the research to know that. Maybe you don't, but it's a generalization; it's generally true.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Read the fuck up on scientology before speaking about it-OH WAIT I forgot you're the typical lazy ass Christian who thinks whatever they say is right. Scientology is a cult/religion. A religious cult. Whatever you'd like to call it. It is completely separate from atheism. Why? Atheism - Lack of belief in all deities. Scientology - The belief that we're all the souls of dead aliens. You're serious? Then you're retarded. Get an education, because you're still clearly IN 3rd grade. Contradicting, illogical, uneducated, ignorant piece of shit. Also, relating name-calling to third grade tactics is ageist, because you know what? The majority of apparently "mature" adults use it every fucking day. As well as curse words. Can they still be intelligent? Yes, yes they can. You're just too fucking stupid to realize that. HERE, EDUCATE YOURSELF FOR ONCE. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, I've done plenty of research, not just in this area. And I'm not referring to scientology, the cult; scientology, the study of science and its understandings. Calm down, the two actually are separate things, if you didn't know. Actually, mature adults find mature words to describe their feelings and arguments. The occasional curse word? Sure. But not a constant stream of cursing that makes them sound imbecilic.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You disgust me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know, relating atheism to Scientology? That's the stupidest of the stupid, and the lowest of the low.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I understand that people want to spread their beliefs, but if someone doesn't believe, trying to force them to isn't going to help. A few wars were started because of religions. Granted, everyone keeping their religion to themselves won't mean there will be complete peace, but it might help a bit.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, Christianity (the religion I am) says that you should try to tell people about God, but there’s a point where it’s obviously doing no good and you become annoying. So overall I agree.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This post can only be true if the opposite is done and people kept their lack of religion to themselves. It's hard for an atheist to deal with a religious fanatic trying to convince them of something they don't believe in but in my opinion it's harder for a religious person to have to hear people trying to convince them their god doesn't exist.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If people keep their beliefs, where religion is concerned, to themselves, then I agree, the world would be a lot more peaceful than it is. We would then have our own seperate religions, then, where we believe in something completely different than everyone else. Because in truth - If Jesus and Muhammad and Siddartha Guatamma kept their thoughts to themselves, instead of spreading the word, no one would be Christian, Muslim, or Buddhist today. That applies to every religion in the world. Everyone would have a seperate perfect world to believe in, be it with an after life or not - They would imagine something happy and fulfilling. A perfect piece of the pie. But in the opposite sense... If everyone imagined a perfect world, rules to live by, and things that they think will grant them happy in the long run - Then who's to say someone who's greedy to the core won't believe that by robbing and stealing other peoples' nice things, they can be happy? It's an endless grey area.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

if this were the case there would simply be no distinction between religious and simply moral ideals. because religion does not exist, there is no boundary which constricts religion. therefore, it is not wrong for a person to spread beliefs about sovereign beings who created the world. religion gets a new name and a more integrated societal face, but nothing changes

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This world: "MY RELIGION TELLS ME TO KILL YOU! DEATH TO AMERICAAAAAaaaaaaaa......." Poster's world: "MY RELIGION TELLS ME TO KILL YOU but I won't do that because that's far too rude of me. Instead, let's sit down and not talk about our religion, and look at our brand new iEars because thanks to religion not getting involved with science and technology, we now have iPod chips in our ears so we can listen to music any time we'd like."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Mkay first off, needless profanity makes you look ignorant. Second off, if people truly believe in their religion, they will try and spread it, so there is nothing you can do about it. Third off, I hope one day you will become a Christian! That is all

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"if people truly believe in their religion, they will try and spread it, so there is nothing you can do about it"? someone can have faith without acting as a recruiter. also, it things like "i hope one day you will become christian" that OP was talking about.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The world will be infinitely more peaceful without convertards darkening doorsteps and telling people they're wrong. This goes for all religions or lack of.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

atheism may have theory but it disregards other science

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okayokayokay. I have a few things to say in conclusion to this argument. Uno: "I am open to the concept of religion and I understand the need to believe; I am just not entirely convinced that religion is where we should concentrate our faith." Deux: "With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." Three: "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours" On that last one? Well, I dont mind religious people (I consider myself an atheist/agnostic/explorer) but I do dislike people who stick to the religion they are born with. How do you know those are the right morals? How do you know thats the right ruler? System of beliefs? Your parents definitely arent all knowing, people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago