+251 It's human nature to want what you can't have, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Not really. I can't be perfect, but I don't want to be perfect. I can't teleport to the middle of space, but I don't want to teleport to the middle of space. I can't date a supermodel, but I don't want to date a supermodel. It's human nature to have confirmation bias, I know that much.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah, I was going to say something similar. If a person wants a set of things, and already has some of them, but can't have others of them, they'll tend to start to ignore the things they already have and focus more on the things they want that they *can't* have. But there are certainly plenty of things that humans want that we can have (air, for example). And we don't want other things simply because we can't have them; there has to be some compelling reason that we'd want them. For example, I don't want a $100,000 motorcycle, but I'd love to have a $100,000 car. I can't have either, but I don't want both. However, I also want the $6000 car that I already own. I just tend to forget the fact that I want it because I'm used to having it. If I lost it somehow, my desires would quickly readjust themselves.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think it's human nature to ignore things you already have. I'm fairly sure it's an evolution thing, but I wouldn't know how to connect it...assuming you believe in evolution anyways, otherwise we were just designed this way.

by Anonymous 11 years ago