+539 You can't tell someone they haven't been through as much as you have. Grief is grief, and pain is pain, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

hmm no, i'm pretty sure gettin' shot or something is a lot more pain then say hmm bumping into something while walking...and losing a distant friend isn't quite like losing a extremely close friend or family member. therefor you're statement/question is completely bogus!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Maybe they didn't mean it in that drastic of a sense. Maybe not physical pain, but emotional, which in that case it's completely relevent

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think what I'm trying to say is that pain is not relative. You can't measure how intense/weak your grief is by comparing it to that of someone else. All you know is what you've been through and no one should tell you that your pain is not justified compared to theirs. Does that make sense?

by Anonymous 13 years ago