+100 If you have no regrets in life, you haven't learned anything, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

A semicolon should only be introduced before an independant clause (a clause with both a subject and predicate that remains unaffected by other clauses in the sentence). You should have used a comma.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It doesn't matter what you learn if you never mess up anyway

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Which sucks, because that's the same as never having learned anything if, say, your test scores never improved. Some of my teachers in the past measured our success by how far we've improved (such as from 50% to a 78%) but when you're always 100% it's unfairly viewed as if you learned nothing and you're a failure. Maybe you don't have regrets because you always do everything right.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think that when you regret something that means that you feel you would have been better off if you would have not done it, which would imply you feel what you learned and gaind from making that choice wasn't worth it. I can't think of anything I regret because every large mistake I've made I've learned from (or tried to). I see the value of those mistakes, so I don't regret them.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I choose not to regret BECAUSE I learn from it. Why would I regret a learning experience?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I actually came here to say many people don't regret an experience precisely because they learned from it, but you beat me to it :(

by Anonymous 11 years ago