+69 In a world where more people are weird than normal, would that make normality weird? amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

If there were a 1-100 scale of how people act, most people would be 1-30 or 70-100, but the mean would be 50 Yet, if someone were really 50, ie normal, then they would be weird. If we used mode, then 10% of people are exactly 50 and 45% are 1-30, but spread out so each exact value has 1-2% of people, and 45% are 70-100, with the 1-2% on each value, the n50 would be the most common value, but would still be weird because 31-69 is a very rare category. There will always be a deviation and it will be weird to be in the middle even if that's mean or mode. Median says nothing here because standard deviation is huge. There was also an episode of SpongeBob showing this quite clearly.

by Anonymous 11 years ago