+671 There's safety in numbers, except of course the number nine, who, as any five year old will tell you, was eaten by the number seven. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

not just 5 year olds!!!!!!!!!!! >:( i was very depressed when i found out 7 ate 9!!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ha! Love this. :D

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Dear 6, Damn you, accusing me of eating the number 9. First of all, No way I could've eaten him. just look at my slim figure. Besides, you are more likely to have eaten him, walking around with your huge-ass stomach. Sincerely, 7 P.S. Watch out for 0. He's the other suspect. you could fit a dinosaur in there and still have room for desert .

by Anonymous 13 years ago