+163 I think that Linkin Park just invented they're own category of music. It's not rock. It's not alternative. It's more like suckass with a hint of sellout. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

i found the catalyst pretty good actually.. but its different from what they usually do.. i still prefer their older songs

by Anonymous 13 years ago

catalyst is probably the only song of that album i kept on my computer, i trashed the rest of the songs. and I agree the older songs were the best.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

what kind of narrow minded idiot wrote this. seriously. they kind of have made their own category and its amazing. you should hear them talk about how they wrote these songs, they wanted to add something deeper and of substance to music because popular music today is pathetic and like candy, nice for a while then gives you a stomach ache. its different but its good.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I would happen to be that narrow minded idiot. lol. hello. how are you? lol nd I actually hate their last album. maybe becaue ive been a fan of LP since theyre very first album and I adored their music from the very beginning. And I understand that as Artist's they feel they need to change theyre sound and their music but I don't think they succeeded at ALL. Both the music and the words to 'a thousand suns' was just shit. especially when i compare it to what im used to hearing from LP. thats my opinion. and btw i wasn't 100% serious in my post there was some sarcasm in there.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But Linkin Park are good... Well, I like them anyway. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

OP should stick to Justin bieber type music.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not selling out when you do something completely different than what's currently the norm. They're just changing. Some say for the better, some say for the worse. I like them either way.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't want them to be the norm. I nvr figured LP to be normal rock anyway I always thought they had theyre own unique musical flow. I don't know what the hell that shit is they call music now but I heartily dislike it lol. so i def say their change is for the worse. and I added the selling out part just because I heard from multiple sources that LP was pushed into changing their music by the industry. Now i dont know this for a fact but I heard it from enough ppl to think it was pretty true.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't think Linkin Park changed because the industry wanted them to. Think about it: if they (their record label, producers, whatever) wanted to make more money off of Linkin Park they would make the same sound they did in Hybrid Theory and Meteora. They wouldn't be trying different things (I mean different in general, not just for LP) if they were selling out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I thought a lot of their older stuff was extremely whiny and annoying. But i guess it's alright if you're frustrated with something and need to vent.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i wasnt a fan of their old stuff, but their new stuff is WAY worse

by Anonymous 13 years ago